Chapter 14- Proposal ❤

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(Baekhyun's pov)

Morning came im the first one who woke up. I expect chanhyun will wake us up but theres no sign of him so i walk throught chanhyun's and alex room I walk inside and saw them still sleeping. So i decided to woke them up to help me make breakfast for us.

"Chnahyunaah and alex wake up its already morning Help mommy to make breakfast for us please?" I said.

"Goodmorning uncle baekhyun! Ofcourse i will help you!" Alex said while scrubbing his eyes.

"Morning mommyyyy" chanhyun said and kissed my cheeks.

"Okay boys ill wait for you downstairs okay?" I said.

"Yes mommy!" Chanhyun said.

I walk downstairs and straught to the kitchen. I opened the fridge i saw some hotdogs bacons and eggs so i put them out.

"Uncle what shoud i do?" Alex asked.

"Uhmm theres nothing you guys can help i just want you two boys to acompany me is that okay?" I said.

"Ofcourse uncle we'll watch you cook" alex said and i chuckled to the both of them.

I cooked some rice and toast some breads i finished cooking hotdogs bacons and eggs. The boys help me to settle the table half hour passed We finished cooking All of the foods are set on the table bacons hotdogs eggs toasts and rice. We put them all on the table.

"Boys come on lets wake all them up!" I said.

We first go to kai and kyungsoo's room

"Uncle kai and uncle kyungsoo wake up we need to eat the Delicious breakfast that uncle/mommy cooked so wake up" chanhyun and alex said.

"Okay okay boys we'll be down in a minute" kai said.

We walk out of the room and we enter the next room sehun and luhan's room.

"Mommmmyyyyyyy daddyyyyyy wake upppp we need to taste the delicious breakfast that uncle baek madeee!" Alex shout while jumping on his parents bed.

"Alright alright alex stop jumping!" Luhan said while chuckling.

"Breakfast is ready!" I said. And luhan smiled.

And the last room is our shared room chanhyun run as fast as he can to chanyeol and i shared room once we got in.

"DADDYYYYYYYYY WAKE UPP!!!! DADDYYYYYYYYY WAKEE UPPPPPPP!!" chanhyun shouts while tapping his father.

"Baek please get your son im still sleepy" chanyeol said.

"Wake up you sleepy head your son wants to eat breakfast with you so get your ass up" baek said while giggling.

I walk towards chanyeol who starts to sit up and ruffle chanhyun's hair he kissed chanhyun on his forehead and he did the same to me. Chanyeol gave a high five to alex. "We'll be going down now so get up and lets eat breakfast." Baek said.

All of us are now on the dining table.

"Wow baek did you prepare all of this? You just have to wake luhan and i so that we can help you" kyungsoo said.

"No need for that im already used to it i always prepare breakfast for chanyeol before he goes to work." I said.

"If you say so then i'll be the one who will cook lunch later" kyungsoo said and i nodded.

"Were going to help you kyungieee" baek and luhan said.

Chanyeol's Pov

Sehun kai and chanyeol look at each other their plan for tonight will be the most happiest thing that will happend to baekhyun. While luhan kyungsoo and baekhyun is talkong to each other Chanyeol glanced at kai signal him that they have time to prepare for tonight.

While eating breakfast i signal luhan to Know that the plan will start tonight and he nodded i Also did it to kyungsoo we finished our breakfast and sehun kai and i walk through the beach and start organizing things we put a desk in the middle of the sands and design it There's some flowers. After an hour we finished organizing.

"Bro do you have an engagement ring?" Kai asked.

"Ofcourse bro here" i give him the engagement ring its only simple A diamond ring that baek will surely love it.

"Oh then were settled all we need to do is surprise baekhyun." Sehun said.

Chanyeol kai and sehun goes back to the beach house hotel and saw theur husbands cooking. And alex and chanhyun are playing so the boys join them.

"Lunch is readyyy! Cmon lets eat!" Kyungsoo said.

"All right were coming" chanyeol said.

All of them started eating until kyungsoo broke the silence.

" so i have a surprise!"kyungsoo said.

"What is it babe?" Kai asked.

All of us is confused on what surprise is he talkin about.

"Im pregnant!!" Kyungsoo said.

"Oh oka-whhattttttt?????? Babe omyghod omyghod i will have a baby omyghod im so happpyyy!" Kai said and hug his husband.

"Guess who's pregnant too?" Baek said.

"So baek your also pregnant?" Luhan asked and baek nodded.

"Wow i never knew you want chanhyun to have a sibling!" Kyungsoo said.

"Uncle kyungie i want to have a sibling im thd one wjo request it to my mommyyy baek" chanhyun said.

"Sehun lets make another baby" luhan said sehun choked luhan patted his back.

"Yes daddy i want a sibling too" alex said.

"Omyghod like mother like son" sehun said

Our lunch has finished luhan kyungsoo is distracting baekhyun so that we can proceed on our plan.

Dinner time.

"Omyghod im Nervous kai!" Chanyeol said.

"Why are you nervous you know that baek loves you so much!" Sehun said.

3rd person pov


"Just fuckin come with us and shut your fuckin mouth please byun baek hyun!" Luhan said.

Luhan kyungie is takibg baek on chanyeol's surprise.


"So now can i take off this fuckin thing?" Baek said

"Oh yeah i forgot okay you may take it off now" luhan said.

Slowly baekhyun takes off the blind fold and open his eyes "SHOCKED" "what's this?" baek asked.

Chanyeol slowly walk towards baekhyun and kneel in front on him. "Baek i know we used to fight everyday im really sorry for that. I know that you barely talk to me when your mad im sorry for everything i have done. Now in front of you i kneeling in front of you to say how much i love you. I thin this is the best time to say how much i love you" chanyeol said and open the box in front of baek "baek will you marry me?" Chanyeol asked. Baekhyun dont know what to say he's so shocked at the moment chanyeol kneel in front of him asking for his hand. Tears streaming on his cheeks. "Yes chanyeol yes" baek said. "HE SAID YES!" Chanyeol yelled and kissed baek's forehead and hug him tight.


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