Chapter 12 "pregnant again?"

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(Chanyeol's Pov)

I make baekhyun cry again. I want to make out with him.. i want to say sorry but i think he will not accept it. Sometimes i think baekhyun didnt love me anymore. I lost his trust. Also i want to marry him but he's not ready yet. First i need to make up with him. "Kai please come to my offfice" i said on the phone "okay hyung coming!"

*knock knock*

"Come in" i said.

"Hyung whats the problem?" Kai said.

"Close our whole hotel in jeju island at november 25-december 02. Were goin to a vacation" i said.

"With my kyungiee luhan sehun and thrir baby?" Kai asked.

"Yeah we will use my private plane." I said.

"But hyung its already 25 tomorrow!" Kai asked.

"Yeah so you must do your best or else." I said.

"Yeah hyung ill do my best! Woohooo i can rest noww!!!"kai shouts..

" kaii! Get your ass out or else im going to do it for you!!" I said.

"Byee hyunggg!!!!!!"

I go to baekhyun's office to pick them up and go home so that we can get ready for tomorrow. I opened the door and saw the both of them sleeping. I carried chanhyun and waking baekhyun up. A minutes ago baek finally woke up.

"Babe cmon lets go home and eat dinner" i said.

"Oh yeah sure.!" Baek said and fix himself. We walk through the parking lot and i place chanhyun at the back seat so he can sleep comfortably. I glance at baekhyun and start driving to 5 star restaurant.

"Chanhyun wake up were here" i said.

Chanhyun wokes up and hug me tightly so i carried him.

We ordered 2 steaks for me and baek while chanhyun is only soup because thats the only food he can eat on his age. We start eating so i tell them about the vacation.

"Chanhyunaah! Do you want to go to the beach?" I asked.

"Beach? Ofcourse daddy as long as im with you and mommy" chanhyun said.

"Babe were goin to jeju tomorrow get ready your friends will come too." I said.

"Okay" baek said.

I can sense that baek is still angry to me so i will make sure to fix things up to him. I dont want to hurt him anymore..

We got home and baek put chanhyun to bed. And after that he goes to our shared room.. he sat beside me and lay down back facing me.

I snuggle closer to him and hug him by his waist. "Are you still angry to me" i asked. "No im not" baek said i turn him around to face me. "Im sorry" i said. "Its okay" then he turns around again back facing me again. I kissed his neck start kissing him but no respond. "Yeol im tired i want to sleep" baek said. "Until when are you goin to do this?" I asked angry tone. "What? Did i do something wrong?" Baek said rising his voice. "Baek if your angry on me hit me slap me do what ever you want to release that anger for me. Im so tired of being like this anymore i try to be sweet to you just to be okay but still nothing to you? Tell me what i did wrong. Until now your still angry i already said sorry why are you still like this? Dont you think im also hurt about these?! Just slap me baek i cant take this anymore! Just please tell me if your angry! TELL ME!!" i said angry tone I didnt know i was already crying. "Im not mad at you yeol im just you know. Mood swings haha" baek said shyly WAIT WHAT? MOOD SWINGS? "Wh-what mood sw-swings? I asked. "Im pregnant yeol just understand me please. Bear with me till the end. I plan to say you this on your birthday but its seems like i cant keep it a secret seeing you like this it makes my heary broken" baek said. I hug him and kissed his forehead "im so happy" i said "i want a baby girl so i can treat her like a princess like how i treat her mom" i said. I heard a chuckle from him and suddenly fell asleep "aish your so cute"i mumble to my self. I lay him down and start to sleep..

Pouty baby hahaha kai was live earlier on IG 😍😘 im working for chapter 13 haha hope you like my story 😍 Hahaha

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Pouty baby hahaha kai was live earlier on IG 😍😘 im working for chapter 13 haha hope you like my story 😍 Hahaha

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