(Marvel/Sherlock) SHERLOKI'D

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So I have this rough idea for a fanfic, and I was somehow bored enough to make a trailer for it on iMovie (with some help). If the title didn't tell you enough; BBC Sherlock & Marvel crossover, mostly featuring Loki and Sherlock, but with some Moriarty, other Asgardians and stuff, although probably not much Thor or John (srry Johnlockers).

I don't spend a lot of time on Wattpad these days, and the time that I AM here I usually work on the Marvel-Hamilton crossover that m-m-angelauthor and I are writing. (#subtleadvertising ) or otherwise Frost or the Generation Omega Series.

Anyway, this is a project I'd really take on but I don't know if it's realistic what with Frost and the GO series struggling to stay alive. So it's up to you all. Would you rather have me;

1. Wait until I have more time (if ever) and then work on it.

2. Start now, and risk that it ends up hanging around unfinished.

3. Post the prologue+trailer, and then see.

Comment which you'd rather have me do!


Basic plot:

Moriarty teams up with an anonymous villain from the MCU, and together they figure out how to send people to alternate universes via the Bifrost. As a sort of test they sent Loki and Sherlock... yeah, let's just say there'll be plenty of murder cases for Sherlock to solve... Including perhaps his own.


So um I only just realized I still had this chapter standing here... I actually finished the whole book and I'm working on the sequel (as you may have noticed XD) I just want to add that here as clarification for those of you that don't read my other books. That's all, thanks for reading this!

Nov. 2018

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