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Nazmeera groaned hearing the alarm and she stretched her hand out hitting the button until she switched it off.She sat up,squinting her eyes at the bright light flooding through the open curtains.

"Hamzaaa why are the curtains open?" She waited for an answer and then through her sleepiness she realized her mistake.

Her eyes pooled with tears and Nazmeera shook her head,blinking them away.Even so many miles away he was still on her mind.Nazmeera got off the bed and made her way to the bathroom splashing water over her face.Her lifeless eyes shone back at her and the dark circles under them made her look as if she'd aged by a couple of years.

Nazmeera exited the bathroom and quickly changed into a black skirt which she paired with a red top and red heels.She applied enough makeup to hide the dark circles.She made a cup of coffee which she quickly sipped and then grabbed her CV file and bag.

She had an interview scheduled for a job.The only reason that she had been able to afford the apartment she stayed in was because if her savings and her income that she'd gotten from working.The apartment was in a good area and Nazmeera would be able to take a cab to the office building until she got her own car.

Nazmeera stepped out into the what was supposed to be hot weather of Canada and looked around to see if there were any cabs around.Thanking Allah when she saw one nearby she walked towards it and got in.

"Where to Miss?"

"Hosseni group of Industries on..."

The cab driver turned and smiled at her,"No worries I know where it is."

Nazmeera smiled back well she tried to and the man begun driving.Nazmeera laid her head back and closed her eyes.Her mind wondering to the very people she did not want it to.

She wondered how the twins were.Were they troubling Aamanah into oblivion and was Hamza helping or trying to without losing his mind.Were they happy?

Of course they are you gone.

Nazmeera's eyes snapped open at her consciousness hitting her and she bit her lip trying to hold back her tears.

"Miss we are here." Nazmeera opened her eyes and she looked out the window at the tall building.

"How much would it be?" He told her the price and Nazmeera took out ten extra giving it to the surprised man who thanked her and drove off.

Nazmeera walked into the building and went straight to the receptionist desk.

"Good morning how can I help you?" The woman smiled brightly at Nazmeera and she hoped her smile was that bright when she returned it.

"Good morning.I'm here for the job interview by Mr.Khaleel."

The woman smiled,pointing towards a set of lifts,"You can go through those up to the 30th floor.There'll be someone to guide you there."

"Thank you." Nazmeera walked in the direction of the lifts and pressed the button waiting for it to appear.Nazmeera entered the lift and soon she was on the 30th floor.

"Good morning,I'm here for an interview." The receptionist looked up smiling and gestured to the sitting area where a few women and men sat.

"Morning.Please take a seat." Nazmeera sat down,her leg bounching up and down due to nervousness.She kept on repeating Surah Yaseen in her head until her name was called.

Being The Sheikh's Runaway BrideWhere stories live. Discover now