Chapter Ten

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"Jadon!" Umme Khultum scream as she ran into the hospital room and Nazmeera would have admonished her but Abi Sufyaan's gentle nod had her quiet.

Zaid placed her on the bed and Umme Khultum placed a kiss on her grandfather's forehead,"As salaam mu alaykum jadon.See Umme make this card for you."

Abi Sufyaan smiled at his granddaughter as he took the card and opened it before kissing her hands,"Wa alaykum mu salaam habibty.Jazakallah this card is beautiful."

Umme Khultum's smile grew ad she laid her head gently on her grandfather's shoulder,"Ameen.Now jadon get well and come home to see Umme dada."

Abi Sufyaan nodded his head as Umme Zaid handed him a chocolate,"Of course ill meet your dada.Here is your gift for today."

Umme Khultum took the chocolate,smiling affectionately at her grandfather,"Jazakallah jadon jazakallah jaddatun."

The couple said ameen and then Abi Sufyaan's eyes snapped up his daughter who was in conversation with her brother,"Binti?" Nazmeera turned her head to look at him.

"As salaam mu alaykum Abi.How are you feeling?"

"I am much better alhumdullilah.Does Hamza know about me?"

Nazmeera shook her head,"La Abi I still haven't told him."

"Why not?"

"He doesn't need to know." Nazmeera shrugged as she spoke and Abi Sufyaan exchanged a look with Umme Zaid who looked at Nazmeera.

"He should know before the court case Nazmeera."

"I will tell him when I think it's necessary for now I think it's better like this.Plus I am going to Zunran in one and a half week I can tell him then." Everyone exchanged confused looks and Nazmeera cleared their confusion by telling them why she was going.

"Where will you stay?"

"The company is providing an apartment so I'll stay there."

"Shukar alhumdullilah you won't be staying in the flat he has for you." Came from Zaid who was shot a glare by Abi Sufyaan,"I'm just speaking the truth Abi my sister doesn't need that man and his wife's negativity around her and her child."

"Zaid careful what you say.He is still my husband and she is still my sister." Nazmeera shot him a glare as well and Zaid scoffed looking away.

"We'll I have no respect for him and I will never be able to respect him no matter what he does." Zaid stormed out of the room causing Umme Zaid to smile apologetically at Nazmeera following her son.Nazmeera looked at Abi Sufyaan who was busy unwrapping Umme Khultum's chocolate and she took a seat on the chair next to the bed.

"Jadon I need two more chocolates."

"And why do you need tow more?If you eat too much the worms are going to eat your teeth up."

Umme Khultum giggled popping a piece into her mouth,"Not for me jadon for ughi Umar and ughi Uthmaan." Abi Sufyaan smiled at his granddaughter'thoughtfulness and reached besides him to grab two other chocolates but was scolded for Nazmeera.

"Wait Abi.You might just make the IV come out let me give it to you." Abi Sufyaan watched his daughter move around and hand him the chocolates as tears filled his eyes when Umme Khultum took it from him thanking him.

"Abi what happened?" Nazmeera asked in a worried tone ready to call the doctor,"Are you in pain?Should I......"

"I lost my opportunity of looking after you child.If I had the guts then I would have been running around after you like this.When you were in hospital I should have been the one sitting next to you yet I watched from a far unable to do anything for my child."

Nazmeera blinked away the tears that filled her eyes as she reached for Umme Khultum and told her to go find Zaid.Once Umme Khultum left Nazmeera sat down on the chair next to the bed and reached forward to take Abi Sufyaan's hand in one of her own as she reached with other hand to wipe his tears.

"So what if you couldn't take care of me when I was a child Abi?You took care of me and Umme Khultum when I just started my job.You took care of me Abi when I came back home.When I got sick you took care of me Abi.Your inability to be there for me is only because you choose to protect my other siblings.Wallah if I were in that position I would have choose the same."

Abi Sufyaan tightened his hold on his daughter's hand and gave her a shaky smile,"You just like my Summaya.Same goodness same noor.Allah bless you my child.Allah bless you."

"Ameen." The door opened and in walked Umme Zaid along with Umme Khultum and Zaid who were arguing.Nazmeera shook her head with a smile on her face as she watched the back and forth bickering going on between her brother and child.

Fifteen minutes later Nazmeera left with promises to update them on the times she would be leaving and her address in Zunran.

Nazmeera reached the apartment floor with a hyper Umme Khultum only to see Hamza and his family outside her apartment.Nazmeera winced as Umme Khultum squealed at seeing the twins and she put her down only for Umme to run straight into the twins arms.

"See jadon sent chocolates for you'll." Nazmeera froze as she begun to unlock the door when Umme Khultum said jadon but then she shook it off thinking that perhaps this was better.

Hamza and Aamanah exchanged confused glances as the y entered the apartment behind Nazmeera and the children.They watched as the children took a seat on the carpet ready to play with the toys scattered nearby.

Hamza glanced at Nazmeera who had ignored them at the door and he decided to break the silence between them when Aamanah broke the silence.

"Nazmeera who is jadon?" Nazmeera opened her eyes and she bit back a sarcastic comment giving them a hundred watts smile.

"My father,Abi Sufyaan."

Hamza and Aamanah gasped looking at one another and then Hamza stood up in anger but Nazmeera raised a finger before he spoke.

"Umme take the boys up to you room." Umme nodded and the boys followed her,once they were out of the room she looked at Hamza with a pointed look.

"You were about to burst out at this in front of the children it must never happen again." Hamza did not care what she said and focused his eyes on her.

"Why would you let that monster near our child?" Nazmeera shook her head standing up.

"So not talk about things that you have no idea about.Things have changed in the past 6 years and people have changed as well.Abu Sufyaan is forgiven by me and I don't need a babysitter regarding this.Abi Sufyaan has as much as right to see Umme Khultum and myself. So please keep your opinion to yourself." With that Nazmeera stormed out of the lounge into the kitchen mumbling about stupid idiots.
As Salaam Mu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi WA Barakatu

Guys please make dua for my best friend's grandmother who is unwell at the moment.Please make dua that Allah makes it easy on her and the family.Ameen

Sorry this chapter is a bit off beat but I'm tired and it was the only thing that came to mind.

Take care

Fi Amanillah

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