Chapter Two

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Nazmeera waited outside Umme Khultum's kindergarten waiting for her to come out.Soon she was out and Nazmeera kneeled to hug her child.

"As salaam mu alaykum baby."

Khultum wrapped her arms around Nazmeera's neck,"Wa alaykum mu salaam mama." Nazmeera picked her up and begun to walk to the car.

Nazmeera begun to grow suspicious that something was wrong when Khultum did not talk as much as she usually did but decided not to comment about it until they were home.Once they entered the apartment Khultum ran to the room and Nazmeera looked at her back.

"Umme Khultum?" Nazmeera said going after her only to find her sitting on the bed,her head down and her bag on the floor.

Nazmeera kneeled in front of Umme Khultum,"Umme what happened?" Ummi Khultum lifted her head and Nazmeera's heart squeezed in pain seeing the lost almost dejected look in her eyes.

"Mama where is my dada?" Nazmeera froze,every answer she'd ever kept ready for this question disappeared.How could she tell this small innocent child that the father she asked about was not with her because of her mother.How would she tell her that she left so that her father would be happy with his wife and children yet she attempted to.

"Umme your father is somewhere very far and even though he might not be here with you he loves you." Umme Khultum tilted her head sideways causing Nazmeera to think about him.

"He love you?" Umme Khultum's question cause Nazmeera's eyes to become wet and she nodded her head with a lump in her throat.

"Yes he loved me and he loves you a lot." Umme Khultum reached forward to wipe away the few tears that had fell and wrapped her arms around Nazmeera.

"No cry mama.Me don't need dada because me have you.Umme love mama lots and lots." Nazmeera wrapped her child in a hug and pressed shaky lips to her child's head.

"I love you too."

Nazmeera stood in front of the window that overlooked the dark city.She wrapped her arms around herself as tears fell and she looked up at the black sky.

Her child deserved her father's love yet the words said years ago weighed heavily on her heart.She could not go back just because her daughter needed a father.She had decided to be both a father and mother to Umme Khultum and that's what she would be.

Hamza entered the apartment only to find his wife on the floor with the kids who stood up to hug him.

"As salaam mu alaykum Abi." They both greeted him and Hamza picked them up.

"Wa alaykum mu salaam my babies.What are you doing?" He asked as he sat them down next to Aamanah leaning down to kiss her forehead,"As salaam mu alaykum love."

"Wa alaykum mu salaam Hamu."

Hamza felt a tug on his pants and he sat down next to Uthmaa,"Ummi showing us big ummi." Hamza glanced over to see an album and Nazmeera's laughing face.

Yes they had told the children about Nazmeera and that she was their big ummi.She loved them and they had never hidden this from them.

"She is pwetty." This whisper came from Umar and Aamanah brushed his hair aside smiling.

"The prettiest." Hamza rubbed his hand down her back and she looked up at him with a shaky smile.

"How would you feel about a holiday?" Aamanah gave him a puzzled look,"Well work for me holiday for you.I'm trying to merge up with one of the big companies on that side and if it works out they'll soon open a branch here in Zunran."

Aamanah nodded as Uthmaan climbed into her lap,"And where are we going?"


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