Chapter Nine

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"YOU'LL WANT ME TO DO WHAT!?" Nazmeera exclaimed almost scream at the men in front of her both who flinched.

"We want you to go to Zunran to handle the opening of the company branch there."

Nazmeera gave Khaleel a blank look and then stood up to pace the place in front of them.

"I can't go to Zunran,no I can't go there." She stopped and looked at the two men,"Yasir how can I handle that?Isn't that more of Khaleel's job then mine?Plus you men know that I can't go to Zunran."

"Nazmeera,if I didn't think you could handle it then don't you think I would have put Khaleel's name from the start.Nazmeera there's no one else I find more reliable for this job.I know you don't want to go to Zunran because of your past but just think about it.This is a new start for you and it's only for a couple of months."

Nazmeera's eyes went wide,"A couple of months?Are you nuts?Huh uh Khaleel can go,I can't."

"Oh well you are and no more argument." They all turned their heads to see who she now knew as Hitler aka her superior's superior Mr.Hussein Hossein,the man who signed her paycheck and now she knew she could not argue.

"Yes sir.When do I leave?"

"In two weeks," Mr.Hossein said walking into the office,"Nazmeera I know you don't want to but just remember sometimes what Allah plans is for the best and perhaps this is what you need."

Nazmeera nodded her head at his words,"Jazakallah sir.I'll start making preparations then."

Nazmeera silently left the office leaving the room full of silent men.

If this is what her Lord had planned for her how was she to disobey.If going back was in her taqdeer then so be it for she had always left it to her Lord knowing He would do the best for her no matter what.

Hamza sat stating at the report in front of him,everything he read flying past his head as his eyes fell on his three children who sat in Nazmeera's apartment playing on the floor.

Aamanah was in the kitchen and they were waiting for Nazmeera to come.Hamza could not help but think back to when Nazmeera had come back from the office the first day they had all been at her house.She had brought them food and ate with them before dropping a bomb.

She wanted to work out something for Umme Khultum so that Umme Khultum could have a normal life but she did not want that solution to be them getting back together.

How was this going to work?Only Allah knew but Hamza knew one thing.If he had to move to Canada for his child he would even though that would mean uprooting his other children and Aamanah but what else could he do?Fly down every few weeks to meet his child,FaceTime her and message her?

Hamza sighed before looking back at the children.He had taken the time out to explain to them how they were related to one another and their innocent minds had accepted it no explanations asked for.

The twins had taken to her and they were stuck together all the time,in fact since that night the twins would regularly stay with Nazmeera.Aamanah had taken to this fact very nicely,not complaining as she had told him that if this is what it took to bring Nazmeera home then so be it.

He heard the door open and in walked Nazmeera who look beautiful in a grey top and black pants.He watched as Umme Khultum ran to Nazmeera who got a big smile on her face and picked her up.

"As salaam mu alaykum mama."

"WA alaykum mu salaam Umme Khultum.How was your day?"

"Alhumdullilah mama." Nazmeera put her down and glanced at Hamza before two pairs of arms wrapped around her legs again.

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