Chapter Thirteen

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"Ummi why it's so hot?" Nazmeera chuckled as Umme Khultum dramatically threw herself on the couch,laying her head on Nazmeera's lap.

"Because this is Zunran habibty." Nazmeera ran her hand threw Umme Khultum's hair and she groaned.

"I want an ice cream mama.A very big ice cream to cool me down."

"If that's what you want then why not but first," Nazmeera leaned down and sniffed her loudly before wrinkling her nose,"I think a baths in order since someone stinks."

Umme Khultum gasped,sitting up she put hand on her chest,"Yes mama,you do stink."

Nazmeera narrowed her eyes,"Oh you sly little fox,making this about me.Let me just catch you."

Umme Khultum squealed throwing herself off the couch and sprinting away with Nazmeera on her trail.Nazneera smiled as her daughter's laughter bounced off the walls and she found Umme Khultum on the otherside of the bed giggling.

"I'm going to catch you."

Umme Khultum poked her tongue out,"No you won't."

"Now I definitely will." Umme Khultum jumped onto the bed and Nazmeera quickly followed grabbing her by the waist and tickling her sides.

" mwecy.....mwecy." Nazmeera loosed her hold and laid down with Umme Khultum laying on top of her.

"Now who stinks?"

Umme Khultum looked up Nazmeera and she gave her a cheeky smile,"Both of us stinks now."

"We'll then let's go take a bath."

Hamza and Aamanah sat in the lounge,each of them with a cup of coffee in their hands as they watched the children play around.

"We need to tell everyone about Nazmeera and Umme Khultum." Hamza glanced at Aamanah who nodded her head,taking a sip of her coffee.

"You right but how are we going to do that without telling them how much she's changed and that the man who hated her existence is with her?Abi and Ummi will be very hurt when they know of what she has said."

"We can't tell them what she said,she said in a state of anger and that anger can be disastrous for so many life's.Let's just hope that when they meet her she won't take it out on them."

"And if she does Hamza?Then what?" Hamza turned to face her and he reached for her hand.

"We'll work through it.We all will find a way past this.Nazmeera's anger is her love,her bitter words are her way of protecting herself.We will bring everything back to how it was.Phone Abi and Ummi,I'll call Zeenat and Ihsaan."

Aamanah nodded and they each reached for their phones.

Three hours later they all sat in the lounge each of them with a cup of tea and each of them kept on giving the couple curious glances.

"Why have you called us here binti?" Aamanah and Hamza looked at one another when Abi Jameel spoke before Aamanah nodded at him and Hamza looked at everyone.

"When we were in Canada we met Nazmeera." Everyone froze and Abi Jameel clenched his hand into a fist before gritting his teeth.

"What..where is she?"

"Back in Zunran.She is the leader of the new Hosseini Industry's project here in Zunran."

Abi Jameel stood up and they watched as tears filled his eyes as he clasped his hands in front of him,"Where is she?How is she?"

Hamza and Aamanah glanced at one another,then Aamanah spoke looking at her father,"She is good,she has a child."

Abi Jameel felt as if there was more to the story then what his daughter and son in law were letting on,he heard the hesitation in Aamanah's voice so he pushed them to say more,"What more is there to this that you'll seem to be hiding?What is it?"

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