Epilogue Part 1

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Aamanah sat against the headboard,reading The Mafia and His Obsession when the door to her bedroom opened.Reading about Victor meeting Princess again and her not recognizing him was too intense for her to even glance up.

"Honey,I'm home." Aamanah did not bother looking up,she just nodded her head slightly concentrating on the book in front of her.Jeez she knew she had to look up but that was a far fetched thought as Alessio saw Victor.

Hamza frowned when he realized that his wife's attention did not stay from the book.The joy of being married to a bookholic.

He shrugged off his suit jacket and followed it by taking off his shirt.He put his hands on his hips,when he realized that Aamanah still had not looked at him.

"What time did Nazmeera pick the twins up?"

"At five." Her low mumble was just caught by Hamza's ears.He shook his head and changed into black sweatpants,not bothering to wear a t-shirt.Aamanah had still to look at him but Hamza knew it was a lost case so he just laid down.

"You know I'm thinking I should get a third wife." Aamanah's head snapped towards Hamza and her mouth fell open.

"Wha....what!?" Hamza turned on his side,hand holding his head up as he gave Aamanah a bright smile.

"Well,since you seem to have two more husband's I can get one more wife."

Aamanah looked back at her book,putting the bookmark in place and she placed the book on the side table.

When she glanced back at Hamza,she gave him a confused look,"What do you mean I have two more husband's?"

"Well,your books is your first husband and Nazmeera is your second husband then I'm third,so maybe I can get one more wife."

Aamanah chuckled as she leaned closer to kiss his temple,"Aww is someone jealous?" Yet somewhere in her she was annoyed at the fact that he had disturbed her reading but damn her husband was cute as hell so it was all forgiven once she saw the love and amusement shining in his eyes.

Hamza laid on his back and pulled Aamanah towards him,until their faces were inches away.

"No,but I have made a reservation for us at your favorite restaurant and we need to go."

Aamanah gave him a wide smile,giving him a peck on the lips before getting up.

"No need to dress fancy.Just put on normal clothes."

"Sweatpants and hoodie?" Hamza nodded and Aamanah got off the bed.After a few minutes he got up as well and pulled on a white hoodie and black and white Puma takkies.

"I'm ready." Hamza turned his head to look at Aamanah and smiled.

She wore black sweatpants with a black hoodie and grey with black stripes Adidas takkies.She scarf she wore was one of her facroutie black scarfs that she wore repeatedly but hey,Hamza was not stupid enough to comment on his hijabs scarf selection.Even though Aamanah was not dressed in any designer clothing she still look like a million dollars to Hamza.

"MashaAllah,you look beautiful."

Aamanah blushed and she leaned on tipie toes to give him a kiss,"Jazakallah Habib.Ready to go?"

Hamza nodded and took her hand in his as they walked out of the apartment.Once they reached the underground parking area,Hamza walked Aamanah towards their BMW M5.

"Ladies first." Aamanah giggled as Hamza opened her door and hoped her in before jogging to his side of the car.

"So,you messaged earlier and said you wanted to talk about something?"

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