Chapter Twenty

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Aamanah watched as Nazmeera stood,shuffling her feet side to side and fidgeting with her hijab.Gosh,Nazmeera looked like she was about to have a heart attack or even worst she looked like she was already in her grave with how pale her face looked.

“Nazmee,calm the hell down.They won't kill you stupid.”

Nazmeera shot her an annoyed look,”I can't calm the hell down because hell is hot flaming so if I calm the hell down I'll be flaming.”

Aamanah rolled her eyes,”From everything I said is that all that you heard you dumpling?”

“No,I heard everything you had to say but that does not cut the fact that I am not going to freak the shit out.Please just shush now and let me try to calm down.”

“Okay okay.You want tea?”

Nazmeera shook her head,”No,get me a can of Stoney from the fridge.Please.Thank you.”

“Okaie.” Aamanah walked got he kitchen and as she sat the coffee machine on,the doorbell rang.

“Manag,they here.Shit.I’m going to open.” Aamanah shook her head at Nazmeera's shout and she got to putting a kettle of water for tea on the stove.She heard the people exchange greetings.

Nazmeera was nervous to say the least as she sat in front of Abi Jameel and Ummi Jameel.

“Before ammh or ammo says anything I want to apologize.I am so sorry for hurting you'll.I was blinded by my need to keep Hamza and Aamanah away from me but somewhere in what I said was a truth.When I left I was close to falling into a depression,my friend took me to a psychologist and she warned me against this stress.She opened my eyes to he fact that I was blind in a relationship,letting what was mine always be given to Aamanah.I was being selfless but this selflessness hurt me in the end.When I got abi in my life I was over the moon and then Hamza was back in my life.I wanted a perfect life but I forgot that everyones life has some ups and downs.I took out my hurt,my despair and my disgust with myself on all of you.I still love the two of you ammh and ammo.As you'll raised me and loved me,but somewhere in order to keep your children happy you sacrificed me.Ammo,you made me think that whatever you'll ever did for me had to be repaid in such a way and in blind faith I did.I was promised a good life which alhumdullilah you'll did give me but in the medium somewhere or the other my emotions were overlooked.For a time frame I did blame you'll ammh,ammo but then I was blessed with my beloved daughter who gave me so much that I became grateful for your decision.The past is gone and it's time we concentrate on the future.I hope that you'll can forgive me ammh and ammo.”

The room filled with a silence and Abi Jameel stood up causing Nazmeera to stand up as well.He came forward and she gazed at him in wonder.When he wrapped his arms around her,Nazmeera's eyes filled with tears and she did the same to him.

“There is nothing to forgive my child. We did wrong forcing you to repay our favors by marrying you off to Hamzawe thought we saw good in it.Which there was but we also did wrong you by not noticing how you put Aamanah first in all instances.We are somewhat guilty for ignoring your feelings and we admit it.I forgive you child,your method was wrong but your heart was in the right place.”

Abi Jameel placed a kiss on her forehead and they broke the hug,only for Ummi Jameel.

“Forgive me ya binti,I put my daughter's happiness first and forgot that you are an ammat bestowed to me by my sister like sister-in-law.I asked for you to return my favors and you gave up your everything.I was wrong and I admit it my child,but please don't leave us again.We will not be able to bare it.”

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