Chapter Eighteen

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Imagine the tent being something like this bit curtains as a divider through out the tent that separates the bedroom plus bathroom form the whole room

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Imagine the tent being something like this bit curtains as a divider through out the tent that separates the bedroom plus bathroom form the whole room


Nazmeera sat next to her father and brother in the court,with her mother's killer opposite her.Even though years had passed she still found it impossible to look this woman in the eye.Everytime she tried to the only thing she saw was her mother's pale face pass through her eyes.

The court trial had been hard as Nazmeera had to testify around four times reliving a time that only existed in her nightmares.She made dua that the trial would only last a day and she was ever thankful that after she put a request through to Zuhaib following protocol,he had agreed to make the case a one day process with half an hour intervals.

Now they awaited the verdict which had taken the judge out of the courtroom.Nazmeera felt her father's hand tighten around her own when the judge walked out.

"Keeping the witnesses and evidence in mind,this court has come to the decision that Mrs.Jamila Ismael is guilty of the planned murder of Mrs.Summaya Habib,which was done by the use of the administration of wrong medication,blackmailing Mr.Moosa Ibrahim and attempt of murder of Mrs.Nazmeera Ibrahim,she is hereby sentenced to death.Dr.Niyaaz Haq's doctor license will be taken from him and he will no longer be able to practice medicine as he is found guilty of providing Mrs.Ismael with the medication and lying in his report about the cause of death,he is sentenced to seventeen  years of imprisonment.Mrs.Nazmeera,this court apologies wholeheartedly for the injustice you have had to go through for so many years and hopes that whatever decisions that have been met out to your mother's killers will help heal old wounds.The court if hereby adjourned." The judge hit the gravel and everyone stood up.

Nazmeera and Abi Sufyaan sat still,tears pouring down their faces.Finally Summaya had got her justice and they watched as Jamila was whisked away from the court.Nazmeera felt a hand on her shoulder and when she looked up,she gasped.Standing next to her was her elder brother from her mother,Sufyaan.The same son who had been taken a week after his birth and given to Jamila.

Sufyaan sat next to her and Nazmeera looked at him through her tears.Sufyaan put his shaking hand on her own and Nazmeera sobbed as he spoke words that she had been dying to hear for years since he last saw her leaving Abi Sufyaan's tribe.

"Meera." Nazmeera leaned against him,her head resting against his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her.As they sat there Nazmeera made sure to thank Allah for everything.Verily what you ask for is not given to you immediately but Allah gives it to you eventually,and if you don't get it in this world you will get it in the Hereafter.

For the first time in years as Nazmeera walked out of the court she felt at peace knowing that her family was with her.Now her burden was lifted and her mother given justice.It was time to focus on her relationship with Hamza and the rest of the family.
Hamza paced the lounge,glancing towards the hallway.He stressed about the trial and its outcome.He stressed about Nazmeera and how she would be taking the trial.The door opened and Hamza watched Nazmeera walk through.Her face stress free and Hamza was surprised when she flashed him a huge smile.

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