Chapter Four

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Nazmeera walked into the office building,her laptop bag slung over her shoulder and a file in hand.

"As salaam mu alaykum Nazmeera." Nazmeera turned her head and smiled at her superior.

"Morning Mr.Othmaan." Khaleel narrowed his eyes ashe pressed the lift button.

"Really?Mr.Othmaan makes me sound like I'm a hundred years older then you!" Nazmeera rolled her eyes at her friend's reaction yet a smile teased her lips.They stepped through the lift and waited for it to fill up.

"But aren't you really old though?" She teased causing Khaleel to roll his eyes.

"By a one and a half month,so no I'm not really old." He huffed,crossing his arms over his chest and Nazmeera had to have one last jab.

"Oh I forgot that you not even that ancient." Khaleel only grabbed the files from her hand as the lift doors opened and stormed out,Nazmeera followed chuckling.

"This isn't your floor Khaleel." Nazmeera reminded him as they entered her office,her assistant handing her coffee and Nazmeera signed her to wait for her to call her.

"Yes I do know that hey but I just wanted to inform you the merge meeting is today." Nazmeera nodded as they took their seats and she watched as Khaleel bit his lip.

"What aren't you telling me?" One eyebrow lifted and Khaleel nervously reached for his tie before shaking it away and giving her a charming smile.

"If I'm not available will you please take over?" Nazmeera's eyes went wide and she rapidly shook her head.

"I know nil about this meeting and you want that if you not available I must handle it?Are you crazy?" She stopped and held up her hand,"That was a rethorical question by the way."

Khaleel rolled his eyes once again,"Oh come on you have enough knowledge about the company to handle this meeting and my assistant will assist you if needed.Plus I'm just saying 'if' I'm not here but if I am I'll handle it."

Nazmeera rolled her eyes,"You better be here." Khaleel watched as Nazmeera's eyes fell to her phone and he saw the way her eyebrows met almost in sadness.

"Hey what's wrong?" Nazmeera looked up at him with a sad smile.

"Today is Umme Khultum's father's birthday." Khaleel gave her comforting smile.

"It's always hard on you but you can relieve yourself of this hardship.All it takes is one phone call Nazmeera."

Nazmeera shook her head at Khaleel's words,"You know I can't do that, wouldn't be right.Plus his probably moved on so why should I care."

"But what if he isn't?Then isn't this being unfair."

Nazmeera smirked then laughed,yet that laugh was so humorless that it actually sent shivers down his spin,"Why wouldn't he?He has probably forgotten that I exist and maybe she has as well so," She looked at Khaleel with cold eyes,"Why should I care about their existence because no matter what I do or say that family can never be mine."

Khaleel leaned forward,his eyes filled with a comforting warmth,"Sometimes the way we see things will always seem right to us but maybe we just have to look a bit deeper."

Nazmeera smiled,giving him an impressed smile,"From boring to poetic,Yasir should be here to witness this hey."

Khaleel shook his head,"Ha ha ha funny."

Nazmeera wiggled her eyebrows at him,"I know."

Khaleel stood up,"I should get going.I have a meeting before the merge one so I'm going to be on my way.Think about what I said though.Bye." Saying that Khaleel walked out knowing he must have left Nazmeera to think about what he said.As he made his way towards the lift what had happened the day before played in front of his eyes.

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