Chapter Seventeen

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Aamanah sat with the twins in the lounge helping them build a Lego Mountain Place when the door of the apartment opened and the twins scream in joy as Hamza appeared through the doorway.

"Abi!" The twins ran towards Hamza who kneeled so that he could hug them.

"As salaam mu alaykum my terrors.I missed you'll so much."

"We missed you too Abi." Hamza kissed their foreheads and stood up only to look at a smiling Aamanah.He returned her smile and pulled her into a hug,kissing her forehead as well.

"As salaam mu alaykum habibty."

"Wa alaykum mu salaam Habib." Aamanah kissed his cheek and Hamza let go of her.

"You looking beautiful." Aamanah blushed mumbling a jazakallah as they made their way to the couches with the boys playing with the Lego once again.

"How have our terrors been?"

Aamanah sighed dramatically,"Just like their father,troublesome."

Hamza gave her a mock offended look,"Excuse me,I am anything but troublesome." Aamanah snorted causing Hamza roll his eyes.

"And caramel sauce is nice."

Hamza looked at Aamanah offended,"Yes caramel sauce is nice."

Aamanah rolled her eyes as she looked at the twins,"I'm going to make supper you can play with them."

"Yay." Aamanah giggled as Hamza sat down on the floor between the boys and begun helping them.She could not be more happy to be with him and knowing that he looked like he did not have a burden on his shoulders,things probably went well between him and Nazmeera.

She had got a text from Nazmeera where she had been told that Hamza won't talk to her about Nazmeera and vice versa.It had been hard knowing that Nazmeera set a boundary.Yet she agreed.If this meant them being able to make everything right,then so be it.Nazmeera was right to lay this down as it was non of her business of what happened between Hamza and Nazmeera.

Hamza helped the boys put the Lego pieces together and soon Aamanah called them.They all made their way to the kitchen where Aamanah had set the food on the table.

"MashaAllah this is great." Aamanah giggled as she watched the three of them eat the food as if they were starving before taking a seat and dishing out for herself.

Aamanah glanced around the table and she smiled at Hamza who smiled back as he turned to say something to Umar.Aamanah thanked Allah for this blessings in the form of her husband and children.She one day hoped that Nazmeera and her could sit at the same table,talk like the old days and be able to move on.

Soon the children were asleep and Hamza made his way to Aamanah who stood at the balcony of their room.She had her head c tilted up and was gazing at the sky.Hamza wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"A penny for your thoughts." Aamanah put her hand over his.

"I'm just thinking about how everything is starting to fall in place and how lucky we are to be able to make it happen.I'm happy having you here and my children.My cousin is back and I've got a sweet daughter in the form of Umme Khultum.I have a good feeling about this now."

"You right,but do you know who's the luckiest person right now?" Aamanah shook her head and Hamza turned her to face him,kissing her forehead.

"I'm the luckiest person because I've got the best of everything in my life.I know I haven't been a perfect husband and up until today I can't forgive myself for picking my hand up on you.That is my biggest regret and I'm ashamed of myself.They say anger is a man's biggest weakness and that's true.A person is not the mightest if he can fight people but a person is the mightest when he fights his anger.I am thankful that you didn't kick my bum to the curb but forgave me.I am lucky to have children like Umar,Uthmaan and Umme Khultum who give me reason to fight harder everyday.I am lucky for having you and now Nazmeera by my side.I'm lucky that you've always held my hand and thought me what is right,what is wrong.I'm lucky you never left my side even when I wronged you and I'm even luckier that you stayed by my side throughout everything."

Aamanah's eyes filled with tears at her husband's words and she embraced him tightly as she whispered into his ear,"I love you."

"I love your too habibty."



As salaam mu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu

Yes you'll have read right there is it three more chapters to go and then the epilogue.

I plan on finishing Aamanah and Hamza's prequel after this.

Please take care

Fi Amanillah

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