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I GULPED AS I TRIED to unwrap the stranger's hand around my waist but he only held tighter

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I GULPED AS I TRIED to unwrap the stranger's hand around my waist but he only held tighter. And his eyes were now open. His eyes scanned my face making me even more nervous. The man chuckled to himself before sitting up on the bed and I couldn't help but wonder my eyes all over his back muscles and tattoos. There were also scars, many questionable scars.

"Did I go to the club last night? If I did, then even my taste is immaculate when I'm drunk," I mumbled to myself. I fucked this handsome rich man and I don't even remember. Damn, he was fine.

"Well, thanks for this," I said, lifting myself off the bed. "But I should get going," I looked around the room until I saw double doors. I walked over and tried opening them but they were locked. "You think I am your one-night stand?" He deeply asked with a thick Italian accent while he watched me from the bed. "As you Americans call it,"

"Well if you're not, then how the hell did I get here?" His lips formed a small smirk and I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

I was still wearing my bonnet and the clothes I went to bed last night. "Wait, a second. I never went to the club last night," I looked at him, I had never seen this handsome rich daddy man in my life. "Where the fuck am I?"

"Home." He headed to a door and entered the room, I noticed it was a bathroom.

"Home?" I said to myself. "I think the fuck not," I quickly walked back to the bed and looked for a phone. But after a while, I groaned in frustration when I didn't find one.

I gave up on that and went to the windows. I grabbed a chair and threw it at the window but the window didn't break. I tried again but only this time, the chair broke instead. "The hell?"

I was officially locked in this room, with a stranger in the bathroom. I sighed and sat on the bed, defeated. Minutes later, the door opened and the stranger came out with nothing but a towel around his waist. I watched him run his hand through his wet hair and then look at me.

My eyes immediately traveled down to his toned abs. I could feel my mouth water. My eyes moved down and down and down until they were staring at his V line. It was no secret the man was insanely attractive. My eyes wandered all over his built body and his face. I took one glance at his grey eyes before looking elsewhere, clearing my throat.

Lord Jesus, give me the strength not to orgasm with him looking at me like that.

I know it's big. I just know his dick is big.

"You should have a shower."

"Listen, white man, I don't know who you are or how I ended up here, but I've got things to do today. So how about you just open the doors and let me go." I shrugged before he started walking to me. "Now, why would I do that?" He asked, deeply.

"Because you must have broken into my house and kidnapped me after I fell asleep which is a crime," I said making him chuckle. "I did not steal you. You were already mine, Vanessa,"

"How do you know my name?"

"I know everything about you." He replied, with a smirk on his face making me gulp out of nervousness. "Now, go have a shower before I take off your clothes and shower you myself." He threatened.

I rolled my eyes, walking to the door where he had just come out from. Once I was inside, I locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror.

I sighed and turned around, looking all around the bathroom. There were two sinks with a huge mirror. There was a TV in the mirror and a shower with glass walls with two shower heads from the ceiling. The floors were marble and there was a huge bathtub. This bathroom is the size of my room back home.

I turned on the water and took off my clothes. Luckily, there was a shower cap in the bathroom so I didn't have to get my hair wet.

The water was warm and I was grateful for that. My eyes landed on all the products in the shower, and I soon grew confused. There were all my hair products that I had in my home, he knew exactly what I used on my hair. My hair oils, conditioner, shampoo, it was all there.

"Go, white man, go," I said, my lips forming a smile. Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body, opened the bathroom door, and walked out of the bathroom. The man was nowhere to be seen, making me feel relieved. I noticed there was a note on the bed so I walked up to it. I picked it up with my hand and I began reading it.

'Needed elsewhere. Your clothes are in the closet. Get dressed and head downstairs to have something to eat. I wouldn't try anything funny, the house is surrounded with my men and there's a possibility that you'll receive a punishment.'

- Dante

What does he mean by punishment? I will punch him in the neck before he punishes me.

I looked at the notecard again and looked over his name. So his name must be Dante. I put the note back on the bed before turning around to face the opened closet. I walked to it, slowly before looking for a light. Once I found a light switch, I turned it on and walked inside immediately impressed.

The closet was very modern and it was honestly gorgeous. I noticed there were his clothes and then there were clothes for me. I frowned as I walked up to my side of the closet and looked through the clothes. I checked the sizes of the items only to find out, everything is my size. Even the underwear and lingerie he bought for me.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself.

I grabbed sweats, soon putting them on. I looked at myself in the mirror before walking out of the closet.

A knock on the door grabbed my attention. My eyebrows scrunched together as I walked over to it. The same door that was locked was now unlocked. I opened the door only to see two middle-aged women with maid uniforms standing there.

"Miss Torres, We're here to clean the room." One of them said. I looked between them, confused. Once I realized I was standing in their way like an idiot, I moved to the side and let them in.

As soon as they were in the room, my eyes wandered all over the large hallway. Once again, it was modern. Dante must be loaded.

I closed the door behind me before walking around aimlessly around the house. I didn't know where I was going and the house size wasn't helping it. I wasn't looking in front of me, so as a result, I bumped into a person.

"Who the fuck- Oh," I mumbled as I looked at the small girl in front of me with a tiger stuffed animal in her hand. "Hello. Who are you?" I asked bending down in front of her.

"Antonia," She replied, with a cheeky smile on her face. "What's your name?" She asked as her gray eyes looked at me.

"I'm Vanessa and I'm guessing you like Tigers," I said as I looked at her stuffed animal again.

"Tiger is favorite animal." She assured. "I happen to love Tigers as well." No, I didn't.

I smiled causing her to giggle. My stomach growled grabbing my attention. "You hungry." She said, pointing to my stomach. "Do you happen to know where the kitchen is?" I asked. She nodded and grabbed my hand, and guided me to the kitchen.


𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now