Part 1

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"So couples this part of the session is called The Swap" the therapist said as she walked around the room. "This is where we swap you and your spouse with another couple. Meaning you'll live with someone else for a week. The point of this is for you to see what you have. You can't miss what you've never lost"
"So let me understand this." My husband, Matthew, said. "For a week my wife will be living with one of these men?"
"Correct. Don't think too deeply into it though. You all are here because one of you feel neglected. This is an experiment. This will be a test of yourselves." He finished explaining. I could tell Matt wasn't fully ok with this but he was the reason we were here.
"I don't think I want my man living with someone else. I don't see how that might work" a girl said from the other side of the room.
"That's why it's called an experiment. I've been in this business for many years. Trust me this works." The doctor said.
I sat and just observe as I usually do. I never really talk in these group sessions. I don't see the point in having group therapy if we are only trying to fix our marriage. I'm a stay home wife and mother at the request of Matt. I was working a good job making a living for myself then he came into my life promising to take care of me fully which he has done but the more he does the less I see him. It hurts when my son asks me where his daddy is and I don't have an answer. I told him I wanted a divorce after the second time I caught him cheating. He said he'd never do it again and said therapy would help. So here we are.
"Are there any rules?" The same girl asked.
"None that are set in stone but don't do anything you wouldn't want done to you" he said and went to gather some papers. "Now the swap begins"
While we waited I surveyed the room to see what kind of men where in here and who I wouldn't mind staying with. One couple stood out to me only because it was a lesbian couple and I prayed I wouldn't get stuck with that. Not that it matter but that would be hella awkward. After I was finished it was my turn to get my card. I opened it and read the name. "Powers" I looked around as if i knew who I was looking for.
"What does it say hunny" Matt asked.
"Oh that's us" a slim woman said with a smile. I wasn't sure if she was smiling to be nice or smiling at Matt. I looked at him and he was smiling back.
"Well I'm Matthew Miller. This is my wife Y/N" Matt introduced us.
"I'm Jill and this is Keith. Baby say hi" she said patting Keith chest. We made eye contact for a quick second and said a quick hello.
"So couple now that that's over the swap shall begin. You can either get settled in tonight or just start fresh in the morning. This will
Be a week long experiment. At the end of the week we will meet here and swap back. Enjoy your week and remember don't do anything you wouldn't want done to you." The doc said ending the session.
"So here's our address and tomorrow should be fine. I'll get the guest room together for you Matthew" Jill said.
"Same here I'll have the room together for you tomorrow keith. See you then." I said handing him a card with my address.
We left and went home. The whole ride was just awkward. I miss how we used to be. There was never a dull moment. We used to play and talk about everything. Now it's just silence.
"You know we don't have to do this" he finally said as he pulled up to the house.
"But you're the one who wanted the therapy. We've come this far might as well finish it. Maybe this will work" said getting out and walking into the house.
"But baby I don't want you to have another man in my house. I didn't think this would happen." He said walking in behind me.
"It's happening. Get you bag ready. I'll see you in a week" I said walking into my room. Yeah I said my room. We haven't slept in the same room in months. Especially since he's never around. I don't care too much about this whole thing because my mind was made up. I went back down stairs to tell the babysitter she could go and grabbed the baby. He was the only man that wouldn't hurt me. I laid him down and cuddled next to him. Until I drifted off to sleep.
"Hunny why are you so quiet?" Jill said as we drove home.
"What's the point or all this?"
"Baby it's to make what we have better. Lately we've been out of it. I want to make it better" she said.
"No you've been off I've been the same. This is a you thing. I've been everything you've needed plus more."
"I don't want to argue." She said.
"You don't want to do anything. You never want to talk unless it's about some money"
"Don't do that" she said opening the door. "Baby just pack you bag and let's get this over with. I hope this all works out for us. I love you" She said walking off.
I went to the room and began to pack. Things were great with us. I'm not sure when or why but something changed. We began talking less and arguing more. After an argument she'd be gone for a few days. Jill was my first love. My first everything. Even when everyone doubted us we still made it happen. We were as happy as can be. Now it's just like we are both just existing. She doesn't even want me to touch her. Only time she really talks to me is when she wants something. This whole therapy thing was her idea. She feels it'll help with whatever is going on. I feel it's a waste of money. But I'll do anything to keep her happy.
The next morning this Matt guy pulled up and made himself comfortable.
"Well baby I guess I'll see you in a week" Jill said walking me to the door. When I went in for a kiss she turned her head and instead of kissing her lips I caught her cheek.
"Bye love you" She said waving. I put the address in the gps and I was off. When I pulled up i was in awe. The House was beautiful. I might enjoy this place after all. I walked to the door and rung the bell. After a few minutes Y/N answered the door with a baby in her hands.
"Hey. How are you?" She greeted me with a smile.
"Fine. And yourself?"
"Great. Come in. You can place your bags here and we can settle in" she said moving aside for me to walk in.
When she closed the door we stood in front of each other. The baby reached for me and I took him.
"Aww he usually doesn't do that." She laughed.
"Well little man can sense the good guy in me" I laughed a little. "This house is beautiful"
"Thanks. I tried. Now let's take you on a tour." She said walking away with me following close behind. She was in some leggings and a crop top and her being thicker than some peanut butter I could help but look. She showed me the upstairs and downstairs and the back yard area. It took a while to see everything but when we were done we ended up in the kitchen.
"You're welcome to relax in any area in the house. Just make yourself at home" she said with a smile taking a seat at the kitchen counter.
"This should be interesting" She said putting her head down.
"Yeah it should be. Let's just make the best of it."
"Well it's getting late. I guess I'll see you in the morning." She said taking the baby and going up the stairs.
"This is going to be a long week" I said to myself going into the guest room.

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