Part 4

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It's short but it's something. Enjoy 😘

I opened my eyes seeing I was in my bedroom. I don't remember falling asleep here though. I felt around on the bed to feel that it was empty. I instantly got upset. Maybe that was just a Dream. I got up and got ready. When I went in the kitchen to get breakfast and saw a sticky note on the fridge.

Good morning,
     You were sleeping so well I didn't want to disturb you. Your mother dropped Ellis off early because she said something about a hot date. Me and him are having a man day. Relax and do something nice for yourself. I linked your uber app to my account so if you need to go out you can. Oh I made breakfast too. It's in the microwave. Enjoy see you in a bit.

When I finished I was in full blush mode. He's so considerate. I really hope Jill gets it together because her husband is all that. I went to the microwave and got my plate but it had an envelope on top of it. I looked in it to see a few hundreds and another note.

Get your nails and feet done.

See so considerate. I wasn't the type to take money from anybody but a good sis needs to be pampered. I ate and waited for the uber. I had to definitely thank him when he gets back here. I went to my favorite spot. I love this place. They serve champagne and everything. When I got there it was empty expect for one person in the back getting their feet done.
"Hey Kim. I want the work"
"Ok just go back there's only one person there" Kim said.
When i got to the back I seen the person and to my surprise it was Jill. She smiled and I took a seat.
"Hey Y/N. Nice to see you again. How's it going?" She said.
"Hey Jill it's going ok i guess. How about you?"
"Oh it's going" she said with a smirk.
"How'd you find this place? It's like a hidden gem" I asked her already knowing the answer.
"Matt told me about it. He said it used to be your favorite before you stopped coming. He said I would probably like it. Where's the baby? Out in the front?" She asked.
"Oh he did? That's good. Ellis is actually with Keith. He took him out for the day"
"You just let random people take your child? Wow" she said.
"Well he is staying in my house for the week playing husband so since there's a child involved he is man enough to try and bond. And no I don't just let random people take my child" i told her in the nicest way possible. She was just irritating me.
"Oh ok. Seems like the week is just flying by huh?" She changed the subject but I was honestly done talking all together.
"Yeah. Well I just want to sit here and unwind no talking please" I put in my headphones but I heard the bitch she whispered under her breath.

"Your wife is a bitch" I heard making me turn around.
"Excuse me?"
"Your wife is a bitch. I saw her today and she wasn't the nicest. I have no idea why you want to work things out with her." Jill said making her way closer to me.
"I love her that's why. She's the mother of my first child. Being here made me realize how much I need her."
"You weren't saying this a month ago" she said making me realize what the real reason for this whole therapy thing.
"Now you know that was a mistake. You know I'd lose her fully if she found out. This was the only way to get us some time alone but now that I've been here a few days I realized that you aren't who I thought you were I regret even touching you know. I don't know why Keith even wants you"
"Baby it's not that bad. I love you that's all." She said touching my face. "We love you" She took my hand and put it on her stomach. I had a lot to think about. This will be the straw that breaks the camels back.

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