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Whew chile i think I only got 1 chapter left in me for this 😢 but when this ends on to the next. 😌
"Go give this to mommy for me. Be careful" I said to E as I handed him a bag. He ran up the stairs of course dropping the bag a couple times on the way.
"Let's hop this work" I kissed Lani waiting on E to come back down. This the 4th time this week I've sent him to give Y/N something. Each time she sent it right back down and I'm sure she had a message but of course he forgot.
"Really?" I heard from the steps.
"It worked didn't it?"
"Actually no" she said dropping the bag on my lap. "You can't just buy me back. I'm hurt Keith. You don't know how hurt i really am. You don't understand."
"I said I was sorry"
"Sorry didn't do it. You did. Stop being sorry it happened and it can't be taken back. You can't tell me you didn't know or had no control because you drove her there. You knew what the hell was going on. It hurts more because she was cool and we could've really been friends but the chances of that happening is paper thin. Fuck we gon do compare dick sucking skills on my man? Nah that's dead. I think you should go. Like really go" she said.
"But baby I"
"Keith no I don't even want to hear it. Take this too" she handed me the rings. The promise ring and the engagement ring. "Whenever you're ready to see the kids let your mother or big Keith know and I'll drop them off to them but as of now I want nothing to do with you."
With that she grabbed Lani and went up the steps.

6 months later.
"Ellis please stop running"
"He good. He's having fun" Odell said as he laughed.
"No he's needs to stop running around these people store like he wasn't raised right. Bring your little ass here" I yelled in the scary black mom tone making him come back towards us.
"So wassup with you and you know?" Odell asked.
"Ugh can we not?"
"Naw you been trying to not for 6 months you'll eventually have to talk about it." He said.
I moved Lani around in her carrier and avoided the question again.
"She cool now talk" he said.
"Listen I love him I do but I just can't get over the fact that he did that. It doesn't matter drunk or not he still did it. The two men who promised me they would love me and cherish me both cheated. I don't think I'll ever love another man."
"You will one day you'll let that hurt go and great things will happen." He said flashing his million dollar smile. Although he is the sweetest and handsome I don't think I could date him. Sometimes he's just a little hmm too sweet you feel me. 😂
"How you always know the right things to say?"
"I don't know I just be saying shit." He laughed.
It's been 6 months since I told keith to leave. 180 days. 4320 hours. 259200 minutes. Thats a whole lot of seconds and counting. It was hard at first because he would constantly be around. I couldn't not let him be there for his kids but it literally was him staying a couple hours to staying a couple of days and I had to tell him to go. I needed a detox from him. Now we are just in contact for the kids and the kids only. Kim would call but I never answered. I was lonely as hell and that's where Odell came into the picture and we were strictly just friends. He was my shoulder. Never over stepped his bounds. Never made a move. Nothing. He was helpful too. When he could do something he would and I cherish him for that.
"I think you should go on a date" he said.
"For what ?"
"Just to have fun. You're always at the house with the kids. You should date some" he said pulling up to the house.
"Naw I'm good. I don't need to date. Plus no man wants a women with two kids"
"That's a lie but I got a date so get out" he said.
"A date? Boy or girl?" I laughed but he was giving me the nastiest face only making me laugh harder.
"Damn the world really think I'm gay." He said.
"I mean the whole hot tub thing and staying with drake when you had your own place but I ain't saying you gay"
"Now if I felt you like that I'd show you how much I ain't but I ain't tryna fuck your life up" he laughed as I placed everything in the house.
"Yeah yeah yeah bye boy"

"She don't even want to date." Odell said to me over the phone.
"How you know?"
"She told duh. I suggested she date but she said she good"
"I got to get her back dawg"
"You should've never fucked up"
"I know I know but that wasn't me. I know how it feels"
"You don't. Right now she feels like all men ain't shit and are all the same. It happens twice and you were the one who was supposed to save her."
"It's been 6 damn months. We were supposed to get married last month. This ain't how it's supposed to be"
"You did it but listen i got this chick here let me go tend to her needs. Bye nigga" he said hanging up.
I got a plan and I hope it works. I called my mom because she'd be an essential part.
"Hey KJ" She said when she picked up.
"Hey mom can you get the kids for me and watch them?"
"Um sure but why?" She asked.
"You talk too much so you'll have to wait and see."
"Little boy are you saying I got a big mouth?"
"Yeah but I got to go."
"Ok bye"
A couple hours later she told me she had the kids and my plan was going into works.

I was in the house watching tv when the bell rung. I wasn't expecting company so whoever it was wasn't important so i wasn't getting up. After a few minutes it rung again.
"Ugh what the hell" I got up and answered it.
"Who are you?"
"Delivery for you ma'am. Sign here please" he said handing the slip and then a box. Closing the door i sat the box on the table. I took the card from the top and read it.

Some might call it crazy
To say love at first sight is true
I must come across as cheesy
But I can't stop wanting you

I stale faced the poem and pulled out another card.
You didn't like it? It read and I flipped it over.

Your lips so soft and red.
The thought of kissing you is stuck in my head.
Your beauty so bright and warm,
shinning through the darkest storm.
Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky.
When I stare into them I feel like I am soaring high.
My love for you is pure and true.
I never stop thinking of you.
The sound of your voice saying, "I love you," makes my heart pound,
because I know my one and only I've truly found.
I promise to love you for every moment of forever,
and when everything else crumbles, I will never.
I am your armor to protect you from harm,
like you are to me, a lucky charm.
For you are my heart, my soul.
Baby, you are my whole world.

"Aww" I teared up a little bit and opened the box. Another card was there so I read it.

If a day goes by where I can't see your face
Or feel our hearts in a close embrace,
I would embark on a worldwide chase
And marry you so we were in the same place.
Here I am on bended knee,
For years this scene I tried to flee
Then I met you and it was clear to me
To be complete you must marry me.
I thought I had a pretty good life,
Plenty of friends, and lots of stuff.
Then I met you, and saw the strife
Of being alone—it's kind of rough.
Make me better—be my wife.
I'm really sweet, it's my act that's tough.
I ask you to take a journey with me
To share our lives, build our family tree
To live together in harmony
I pray you say Yes! as I get down on one knee.
The stars in the sky,
Match the sparkle in your eye.
Love starts with a dance,
Then blooms into romance.
If two become one,
It's a lot more fun.
My request is simply:
Will you please marry me?

I started crying harder. This too much. I went through the box to find all my favorite snacks and a small box. I opened it and saw my engagement ring. Then the bell rung. I wiped my tears collected myself and went to open it. When I opened it I was greeted by Keith on one knee.
"I know I messed up and I know you hate me but I can't go another second without you. This has been the worst 6 months of my life and i caused it all. I'm not asking you to forget I just need you baby. Im sorry." He said with tears in his eyes. We both just stood there crying looking like two fools I'm sure. I shook my head yes which i can tell confused him.
"Yeah?" He questioned.
He fumbled a bit with his pocket pulling out a box revealing another ring but bigger. He slid it on my finger and attempted to get up but failed.
"I'm getting too old for this" he said reaching up.
I died laughing helping him up. "I love you old man"
"I love you too. I know we can't just pick up where we left off but I'm willing to do what i need to do to get us back. Whatever it takes" he said.
"One last chance. I'm probably dumb as hell but I love you. But I'm telling you this right now the first fuck up I'm answering those DMs from baby face Shep and becoming a football wife don't play with me. You got that?"
"I got it" he looked at me in the eyes like he was searching for something.
"Kiss me nigga damn"
He finally kissed me and it felt like the first time. Keith has been always good to me that's the only reason why I'm willing to try again but this is definitely the last time.

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