Part 8

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Not 100% on this chapter but it's here and it'll make the next one better. 😉 toodles 😘
"I don't like her Keith" Jill said to me when I walked into the room.
"You don't like who?"
"Y/N. I don't like her. And I definitely don't like finding out she was breast feeding in front of you" she said and all I could do was laugh.
"I mean it's really not for you to like her. She's not your friend"
"But apparently she's yours and I don't want you around her" she calmly said.
"Are you trying to pick a fight with me?"
"No I'm saying what I need and that's it" She said laying down.
"Jill you don't tell me who I can and can't be around."
"I'm your wife so I can and I did. That's final" she said walking into the bathroom. Why do i even bother?
Can we take a walk? I sent the text out and waited for a reply.
"Baby I don't mean to get on you. It's the hormones. I can't control it but I see how she looks at you and how you two were laughing in the kitchen. You don't do that with me. You were a guest you shouldn't have been in there washing dishes. You're not a butler" Jill said from the bathroom. I didn't even answer. I just walked out the room getting the reply I wanted.
I drove back to the house and waited totally disregarding the fact that it was midnight but I definitely didn't feel like arguing tonight.
"What's wrong?" Y/N said getting in.
"I think I'm going to sign the papers"
"Wait What?" She asked.
"I love her so much but lately she has been getting on my nerves"
"She's pregnant keith it's going to be like this sometimes." She said. I stopped the car and got out to open her door.
"Yeah but still she's taking things too seriously like she told me she didn't want me around you anymore"
"Ha that's funny but I mean if it keeps a union together maybe we should end our friendship" she said making me stop her.
"I'm a grown man and way too old for people to tell me who I should and shouldn't be around. I like our friendship. In this short time we've gotten close to where we are stuck together"
"Aww keith but I don't want to come in between you two" she said looking at me.
"Nah she'll get over it."
We continued walking hand and hand in silence. We reached the top of the cliff and looked over.
"He asked if we slept together" she says breaking the silence.
"What? That's random"
"I know. He's just all like what did y'all do and stuff. I had told him off. Told him you only assume things like that when you're the one doing it and we had the opportunity but we didn't take it. It's so crazy. I thought we were doing so good." She stepped closer to the edge and took in a deep breath.
"Come here"
She stepped into my arms. I knew she was crying because the little bits of light reflected off the tears. We stood there for a while. I feel like it's my obligation to comfort her and be there for her no matter what. If this means Jill will be upset then so be it.
"It's okay. I got you"
"Thanks Kei." We looked at each other and again that feeling came back. Last time we looked at each other like this we kissed. The energy was bringing us close and just like that we were kissing. This time it was way deeper and lasted a lot longer. There was a near by bench so I backed her into the bench not disconnecting the kiss. My hands traveled down up and down her body. She stopped the kiss and went to my neck. I could tell she wanted to be in control so I let her. She started to suck on my neck and I'm almost ashamed to say I was enjoying it. Her hands stopped at the top of my waistband. She was hesitant so I took her hands in mine and looked at her.
"Maybe we should stop"
"I'm sorry just got a little carried away." She said remorseful.
"No it was both of us."
"I never seen myself here. I don't want to cheat. Even though I have every reason to it just feels so wrong. Two wrongs won't make it right." She said.
"You're right. Let's get out of here. Jill is probably having a fit right now"
She laughed and we started walking back down. The whole time we were quiet but here and there we look at each other. I have a lot of thinking to do. I just might take this leap even if it means being alone for a while.
"Keith I want to apologize again. I wouldn't want to be the cause of anything bad. What happened up there was wrong and it's dead" she said and I said nothing. We had just got back to the car and we were standing side by side. I pulled her in front of me and leaned down and kissed her again.
"Trust me I don't do anything I don't want to do. We will move pass this and act like it didn't happen right after this" I held her face and kissed her with a force that i know she felt all over her body. I felt her melt in my arms and pulled back.
"Stop that Kei" she laughed and got in the car.
I drove back to her house and stopped when I got a few houses down just in case somebody was watching.
"I'll pull off the other way as soon as I see you get in"
"I'll flick the light a few times to signal you" She said getting out. "Oh my we sound like real cheaters"
"Real shit but we got to be careful. Wouldn't  want to be accused again. Goodnight Muff"
"Muff? Boy what?" She questioned but laughing too.
"Idk I feel like you needed a nickname. Muff is cute for you"
"Alright KeiKei goodnight" she smiled and walked to the house. I watched her flick the light and I backed down the street. After tonight I got a lot of thinking and sorting out to do. Co parenting won't be that bad i guess.

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