a different year

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It was raining on the day the Hogwarts Express was leaving Kings Cross. Albus Severus arrived with his father, Harry Potter, mother, Ginny Potter, and his siblings, Lily Luna and James Potter. James was entering is seventh and final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, while little Lily was beginning her third. Albus, the prominent middle child, was starting his fifth year.

"Al!" cried a voice.

Albus's head shot up from inspecting his navy blue raincoat. He caught a glimpse of pale blond hair running towards him. His face cracked into a broad grin as he sped towards his best friend. 

Scorpius wrapped Albus in a tight hug. They stood wrapped in each other's arms until Harry and Draco caught up with them. Harry smiled at his son, embracing the boy who made him feel the happiest.

"Hello, Harry." Draco greeted, in a much sweeter tone than he held in his fifth year at Hogwarts.

"Morning, Draco." Harry replied.

Scorpius detached himself from Albus and smiled up at Harry.

"Hello, Mr. Potter." he grinned.

"Hi, Scorpius." he replied.

The bustling crowd made it quite difficult to hear, so everyone was shouting, which was only adding to the din.

Harry and Draco talked stiffly while their sons caught up with each other. After a few minutes, James, Lily, and Ginny walked up. They said hello, and Draco felt awkward without having a wife or any other children to accompany him.

Harry waved frantically at Ron and Hermione approaching the lot. Rose ran up and began talking to Lily, while Hugo stood next to James, looking at his shoes.

"Kids, I think the Hogwarts Express may leave you lot if you don't get on it." laughed Ron.

The children bid everyone goodbye as they stepped onto the train. It smelled of pumpkin spice and licorice. Scorpius and Albus left their friends and family to find an empty compartment. 

"It's been so long, I haven't seen you in months!" Scorpius talked.

"We sent owls every night!" giggled Albus.

"Yes, but it's not the same. I can't see you with an owl. I can't hug you with an owl." Scorpius debated.

Albus laughed and slid into a compartment. 

"You know, Scorp," Albus began while licking frosting off his fingers, "I really did miss you. I know I don't express it that well, but I really missed you."

"I did too, Al. It gets a little lonely in the Manor." Scorpius said.

Albus smiled gently and looked into Scorpius's eyes for a little longer than he normally would. He noticed how fiercely grey they were, and how the little specks of navy dotted them. Albus noticed the little frills in Scorpius's iris, and how the pupil expanded every time he glanced at Albus.

The ride was very calming. The rain beating on the windows and the soft whirrrr  of the wheels made all worries dissolve. The drizzle of rain and cool air eventually lulled the two boys to sleep.

Albus awoke with Scorpius's head resting peacefully on his shoulder. His soft snores was the only interruption in the tapping of the raindrops. If Albus squinted, he could see the dim lights of Hogwarts glowing in the night. 

As the train rolled into the station, Albus gently shook Scorpius awake.

"What?" asked Scorpius sleepily.

"We're here."

Scorpius saw that his head was laying on Albus, and his cheeks flushed pink. 

The boys hauled their things to the carriage, where Lily, Hugo, and Rose joined them. James got into another carriage with his friends.

They arrived at Hogwarts and sat through the Sorting Ceremony. The old hat never failed it's job! They applauded when first years Lyra Genn, Castor Armon, Bylon Tippoff, Nathaniel Vars, Jupiter Puro, Circe Canon, Cassandra Blend, Timothy Struck, and many others were sorted into Slytherin House.

"Sorting went pretty quick this year, did it not?" Albus asked his friend.

"It did. Quite a few less people, huh?" Scorpius replied, not stopped to shove a turkey leg in his mouth.

Albus nodded while spooning mashed potatoes onto his plate. 

"Gonna be a pretty different year isn't it?" Albus asked Scorpius.

"Yeah," he replied, looking at Albus and smiling,   "I think it will be."

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