getaway car// tyler

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It was the best of times, the worst of crimes.

Tyler always wanted the best for the people that he loved. It's a good quality to have, but for Tyler, he may have taken it too far just a few times. In fact, maybe all of the time.
He'd steal money, break into stores, anything that could get him something valuable for his love. He cared for her so much that he'd risk absolutely anything for her. To him, she deserved the world, she deserved everything, and he'd do anything to get it for her.

However, she didn't like that he went too far. Trying to rob a bank? There's no way he could get away with that. But somehow, he did. They were both in the car together, Tyler driving and his lovely girlfriend pouring champaign into a red plastic cup. The car ran over a bump, causing the liquid to spill all over her black leggings. She huffed as she took a napkin and attempted to dry it off.

"Want some?" She asked as she mindlessly began pouring another cup for the brunette next to her. He sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm driving. Wouldn't want to break any rules," he told her sarcastically. Obviously he had no trouble with breaking rules considering he had done it so many times before. But drinking while driving could cause an accident, and the last thing Tyler wanted was for his girl to get hurt. He'd do anything to protect her, and that was one law he'd never break.

She rolled her eyes, bringing the cup to her mouth and taking a sip of the drink. She didn't even like it very much, it burned her throat and made her cringe, but she needed to get everything off of her mind. With her and Tyler on the run, they were not in the best situation at the moment, and she just needed to stop thinking.

Tyler didn't seem to be concerned at all. He had a smug smile on his face as he drove, joking around and occasionally touching his girlfriend's hand to comfort her. They've been driving for at least 2 days straight with only a few stops, but not once did he stop to think about all of this. He simply didn't care, because it was all for his love. And when it came to her, nothing could stop him from crossing the line.

"Tyler, can we please just stop at this motel here?" She asked, pointing out of the window at a rickety old motel. It looked run down, but that was the least of her worries. She just wanted to be free of this car she felt she was trapped in.

"Of course, darling," he smiled, turning the steering wheel a bit. The truth was, she knew she didn't have to ask him. She could just demand it and he'd say yes because he was completely soft for her. But she loved Tyler, and would never take advantage of his kindness towards her.

Tyler pulled into the parking lot, backing up and eventually parking the car. They both jumped out, stretching their arms and legs that were cramped up inside of the car for the past few hours. She finally felt like she had freedom, with the wind blowing through her hair and the sun in her eyes.

Tyler grabbed her hand, intertwining them together and walking into the ruined lobby. It definitely wasn't the best quality motel, but neither of them cared.

Tyler booked the room and got the room key, so now they were both sitting on the bed, legs crossed and hands still intertwined together like magnets that couldn't be separated.

He was already facing her, so she turned towards him, gazing into his alluring brown orbs. His eyelashes were long and his hair was messy, and she thought he looked absolutely gorgeous. As much as he told her she was beautiful, she told him the same. He deserved to know it just as much as she did.

"You can talk to me, you know," he spoke, his soft voice filling the silent air around them. She rose an eyebrow, confused as to what he was referring to. "I mean, this whole situation we're in. I know you hate it."

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