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Release Date: 10th July 2014

I am reluctant to open my eyes. Even though I am awake, there is something inside me that is calling on me to crawl back into the pit of unconsciousness. Then there is a part that wants to be awake. Manhattan buzzes alive around me, with sirens and yelling present from outside. I can almost smell the intoxicated fumes from the vehicles and the grease of the hot dogs, which calls to my senses, but there is one thing. One thing that wants to remain more of a dream than a reality. Harry Styles.

Opening my eyes would mean everything that had happened the night before would become entirely real. I don't want to remember. I want it all to fade into the back of my mind. But how can I when he lives in the building, his presence will always been their. Lingering around me like a fly.  Stop it, Ella.

Pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind, I quickly sit up on my bed. Ah! The room around me begins to spin and twirl like a ballerina and I sigh, taking in deep breaths before opening my eyes. I had been drinking last night, that's what it is. I have always been told that once you turn eighteen, your body becomes more tolerant to alcohol, and I idiotically believed it. I guess the theory is wrong. I haven't always drank, but since I moved, Bianca has begun to force feed me with drink so that I can live a little. I hate how she has so much control over me.

I take it easy as I gingerly slide out of bed and shove my feet into a pair of fluffy duck slippers. I need coffee. It's the only thing that will help at this rate.  Shoving past boxes marked "Ella's Stuff", I make my way out of the bedroom, hoping that I don't have to face the famous inquisitation from the Paynes.

"Hey, gorgeous," Liam  Payne greets me as I exit my bedroom.  

Smiling sheepishly, I squint at Liam, who is currently leaning over the island in our kitchen and drinking coffee. " Hi, Liam." I say weakly as I walk over to him.

Liam Payne is third addition to our trio as well as Bianca's twin brother. Though similar in personality, the pair look nothing alike. Where Bianca is slender and curves, Liam is muscular and tall, towering over the six foot, three inches mark. Bianca is all golden waves and blue eyes and Liam supports a brown on brown look. Whatever their opposites are, they are inhumanely beautiful with radiating personalities. I love them both dearly.

"You look rough." Liam exclaims as he offers me a muffin. My first instinct is to stuff it into my mouth and savour the chocolate chips that coat the top.

I grin thankfully at Liam as I retrieve the muffin from his too big hands. Placing my ass on beside him at the counter, I say: " I feel it. I never knew only two shots could do so much damage."

Liam rolls his eyes and laughs. " Well, if it's Bianca ordering the drinks, the of course their is going to be some damage. She has the constitution of an ox. You on the other hand, love," he continues as he pulls a strand of hair out from my eyes. " can't drink to save your life." I laugh at his joke, excepting the reality. 

I giggle. " So true."

There is a short silence before I remember what Liam was doing last night. " So," I ask, drawling my sentence in hestitation that I hope he will carry on. "how was last night."

Liam directs his eyes to the heavens and sighs. " Don't ask." He states dramatically as he slurps from his cup of coffee. That reminds me that I am in dier need of some caffine.

"What happened?" I ask, generally concerned for my best friend. Liam has never any luck with relationships. Being gay and being from a small village outside Chicago, he never been truly accepted by his parents or friends after he came out. Also, we he eventually finds someone, it's usually through  social media or on nights out. Lovers would then confess their love for him if he called it off, attempting to threaten him with suicide notes or other things that highlighted their freakiness.  Ethan is the first guy Liam had started dating since we moved here a week ago. He claimed to be in love.

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