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"Why are you joining a fencing class?" My best friend asked me.
I shrugged my shoulders and laughed it off, "I thought it'd be good to defend myself. Also, I could probably try to get a scholarship from it." In actuality, I was planning on using that when I became my alter ego, Ladybug, but Alya couldn't know that.
"Well, be safe, and if you find any cute guys let me know."
"That's not what I'm doing this for, plus their faces will be covered... wait... aren't you with Nino?"
She shrugged and reached into her pocket to grab her phone.
"I'm going to make him squirm. We're not official so lets see what I can do. Until then, I'm keeping my options open." She typed away on her phone and laughed because he left her on read, probably freaking out. "Anyways, enjoy your class, I'll see you tomorrow."
She embraced her best friend and left to go to the class. She was late, as she was to everything, and came out with everyone else already warming up. Only one person was left partnerless.
"I'm sorry, you probably don't want to practice with someone who doesnt know anything yet."
"It's fine, I like a confidence boost every now and then." She couldn't see him with the mask on, but she knew he was smirking.
"I might surprise you," she said confidently. They started warming up and she held her own. He was obviously more experienced than her, but her experience as ladybug left her with amazing reflexes on her usually clumsy self.
"Well, I am surprised. Are you lying when you say this was your first time?" He asked her.
"Yeah, I guess it was just beginner's luck." She took off her mask simultaneously with him and was met by the most gorgeous face she had ever seen.
He moved in to shake her hand and smiled. "I'm Adrien, nice to meet you."
"I'm Marinette," she said, shaking his hand limply.
"I know this is kind of weird, but I'm homeschooled so I don't meet people very often. Could I have your phone number?" The extremely smug boy turned into a shyer version of himself.
"Oh, sure!" She took his phone and put her contact into his and smiled.
"Thanks. I look forward to seeing you here next week." She had to come back.

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