23-Something is Off

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"I suppose we spent too much time without Adrien, let's go spend some time with him," he suggested. Emilie was already scrolling on her old phone, catching up on current events.
"I suppose," she said unenthusiasticly.
She must be exhausted from being in that world. She's not acting like herself.
"Adrien," Gabrielle called as he went into the main entryway. It was still in shambles from the earlier fight and he reminded himself to transform into Ladybug and summon a lucky charm so that way when it was returned, the house would go back to normal. Adrien didn't respond and so he climbed the stairs. "I know you're upset I wanted to hog your mother, but now we can be back as a family."
An empty room. The water was running in his bathroom.
"Adrien, I know you're mad about your friend, but celebrate your mother with-" he opened up the bathroom door and was greeted with nothing but a running faucet. He ran downstairs and straight to his office, punching in the code to the safe behind his wife's picture.
"What is it, Gabrielle?" Emilie asked.
He looked at the empty safe and realized he forgot to put back the miraculouses. "Adrien is gone," he worriedly excalimed, figuring that he went back as Chat Noir.
She feigned worry. "It can't be that bad, can it? He's a teenager, what is he going to do?"
"How can you not be worried about our son?" Gabrielle asked, disgusted in his wife. He went back to where he used the ring and earrings, hoping that he left them there. "The miraculouses are gone..." he announced. His mind raced to where Adrien could have gone and prayed that it wasn't what he thought.
Once he said that, Emilie actually got worried. She put her hair up in a ponytail and announced "we need to find the mira- I mean Adrien."
What is going on with Emilie? Gabrielle thought to himself. His caring wife was completely different than he was used to.

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