29-I get by with a little help from my friends

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Just a reminder that because this is an AU, most events did not happen. So Alya never became Rena Rouge or even Lady Wifi.


*insert epic battle music*

"I need your help," I announced as I approached my best friend. Her inner fangirl started freaking out as she saw me, her obsession with Ladybug unable to be hidden.

"I'll do anything, Ladybug! You're my hero!" she squealed and bounced up and down slightly.

"Thank you Aly-random citizen!"

"What do I have to do?" she asked, ready to assist me.

"Just picture who you would be if you were a superhero."

She closed her eyes and whispered to herself 'all it takes for evil to persist is for good people to do nothing.' The butterfly, now white with an angelic silhouette covering it, twirled around her in circles and landed on her glasses and suddenly she was in an all black outfit and had a purple lens manifesting as glasses. I knew that Gabrielle was able to talk to her through that and Alya looked at her outfit excitedly. She swiped from her phone and made a portal to any screen and squealed after announcing that she needed Mayura's miraculous. I smiled and started off towards my next target.

"Ladybug!" Nino said my alter ego's name in a surprised tone. "Is something wrong?"

"Long story short we're on a rescue mission for Chat Noir. We have to defeat Mayura to get him back."

"We? Oh heck yeah!"

I laughed and the butterfly made its way over to him, akumatizing him into DJ Bubbler.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

I joined my two partners and we approached the Agreste mansion. Well, the rubble that used to be it. Mayura was still in the center of everything, throwing her daggers at anyone who walked past. The pedestrians would collapse in on themselves and become a pile of feathers that then started swirling around her.

"Emilie!" I called out at her, hoping maybe her humanity would come back to her. "We're doing this for Adrien!"

Nino freaked out because I had said Chat Noir previously and it clicked in his head suddenly. Mayura didn't react to her name, to the mention of her son. She truly wasn't the same woman that she was before she vanished. She wasn't the person that Adrien was willing to sacrifice himself in order to save.

She threw one of her daggers at us and before I could deflect it with my yo-yo, Nino had caught it in one of his bubbles and it floated up several feet.

"Ready?" I asked my two friends. They nodded and excitedly started running towards the villain with me.

We fought side by side, Alya pausing her momentarily and Nino throwing discs at her as she was preoccupied for a few minutes. Alya's holds didn't work for extended periods of time, but it helped me get closer to the anti-Emilie. I used my yo-yo to deflect all of the daggers that flew at my face.

I got within ten feet and then one of the daggers hit my yo-yo perfectly, making it explode in a puff of feathers. I sighed and determined that it was a good time to summon a lucky charm. Chat's staff fell out of the sky and landed in my hand. I reminisced about Chat for a moment and then went back to fighting.

"LADY WIFI!" I called out when I was able to get close to Emilie. She threw a pause lock at her and it stopped Mayura from throwing another dagger. Alya kept throwing the pauses, making each limb freeze when it wore off. I grabbed the peacock broach and watched as Mayura started crumbling into feathers that floated off into the wind, swirling around and bringing back everyone who had disappeared from her. They formed a giant circle and suddenly the Agreste mansion was back to its previous condition. 

The pedestrians were confused and looked around at the scene of me, DJ Bubbler, and Lady Wifi. I fist pumped my two friends and looked around longingly, hoping that truly everything was going back to normal.

And there he was.

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