Chapter 3: Trouble at Dinner

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As I expected, Draco was waiting for me at the dinner table as he promised, but next to him was some guy I had never seen before. He seemed to be in the Slytherin house as well.

I didn't like most Slytherins—or most students to begin with. That's why I usually sat by myself during meals.

"Hey Draco." I greeted, not giving much attention to his friend. Maybe I was being too quick to assume—but he didn't seem like the nicest bloke.

"Hi y/n," Draco smirked, glancing at the guy. "This is my friend, Tom Baker."

I finally turned and made eye contact with Draco's friend, and I I said, I try my best not to be judgmental—but he looked really douchey.

And not the "I'm misunderstood" douchey, the bad douchey.

"Hey." Tom smiled at me.

Ugh, he even had the obnoxious smile.

"I uhm, have to go ask Professor Snape a question... Why don't you talk to Tom y/n." Draco said, shooting me a wink before walking off.

Wow? Am I being set up? I thought stupid romantic setups only happened in muggle movies. Apparently not. How unfortunate.

In response to Draco leaving Tom got up and sat to the side of me, almost as if it was preplanned. It probably was.

"Uhm hello..." I said shifting a bit awkwardly in my seat. He reminded me of a young Professor Lockheart. Certainly not something to proud of.

"Sorry for being sudden, but I asked Draco to introduce me to you. You're really pretty, and me being well... me, I'd to chat with you y/n." Tom smiled at me with his blinding white teeth.

Is he for real?

I guess he was a "nice guy", but I was uncomfortable. Even though I wasn't dating anyone, it felt wrong. Ever since I smelt that batch of Amortentia, I couldn't stop thinking about Snape. I hadn't realized it before—but I was attracted to him. Whether I wanted to be or not.

I liked my professor.

"Uhh Y/n?" Tom waved his hand in front of my face. "Why are you daydreaming when I'm right here?"

Oh dear Merlin. I think I might vomit.

I subconsciously glanced over to the teachers table and my eyes instantly met Snape's. He seemed to have already been looking my way.
Seeming as it was my only option, I sent him a "please dear god help me" look, and prayed he would do something.

Just this once Snape, please!


Professor Snape sighed before leaving the table to save his damsel in distress. Damsel in distress of being annoyed by a dreadful boy.

He briefly considered ignoring the entire situation—it wasn't his business—but as soon as he saw Y/n's pleading eyes, he forced himself to leave the teacher's table.

It was unknown to him why he felt so protective over the girl, but emotions weren't exactly something you could control. He knew that better than anyone.

But after everything that happened with Lily, he needed to be careful.

Strutting down the hall, Snape nearly grimaced as he saw Tom attempting to put his arm around y/n. She was obviously uncomfortable with the situation, and it caused a pit to form in his stomach.

With a swoosh of his cape—Professor Snape drastically picked up his speed, marching towards her and Tom. Though y/n wasn't aware he was behind her until she heard Tom speak.


"What the?" Tom yelled as I felt him being torn from my shoulder. The sudden movement made me turn around to see who had grabbed poor unlucky Tom. And guess what? It was Professor Snape. Thank Merlin.

Snape was holding Tom up by his collar and shot him the nastiest glare I've ever seen.

"Mr. Baker, I'd advise you don't give your attention when its not wanted. As well, I'm sure you're aware public displays of affection are NOT permitted." He sneered, giving Tom a swift smack on the side of his head. (as I've seen him give Harry and Ron many times before) Nothing to hurt him badly.

Tom scowled in response, and sauntered over to the other side of the Slytherin dining table. He may have been an arse, but even idiots knew to not mess with Snape.

Thank god for Snape.


Speak of the devil.

Snape cleared his throat.

"Please do be more careful with who you interact with, I won't be able to defend you forever." he muttered, returning to his dining table.

But why did he even care in the first place?

"Sorry y/n." Draco said, dragging me out of my thoughts.

"I didn't know Snape would be such a prick! I'm not sure why my father even talks to him sometimes..."

Ha thats funny... I thought to myself. I thought the exact opposite about that situation. Snape's a life saver.

Draco continued to babble on about his day for the rest of dinner, accompanied by my occasional side comment as I ate.

"Theres a Quiddicth game tomorrow y/n, you'll come and root for me right? I'm a seeker against Potter!"

A Quidditch game tomorrow? I had almost forgotten. Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Professor Snape was bound to be there. But... so was Tom... that annoying bastard.

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