Chapter 4: Quidditch

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"C'mon y/n! I want you to get a good view of the game so you can see me win!" Draco whined as he dragged me by my arm. Since he was playing, of course he wanted me to get a front row seat. I tried my best not to complain.

He's your friend y/n don't be an arsehole. You have to be supportive.

"Alright, alright," I sighed "The game better not last all day though, I have essays to do Draco..."

He scoffed at my comment as we reached the seat he had saved for me. Apparently my grades meant nothing to him.

It's not like I was using my essays as an excuse either... pshh, I would never do that.

As Draco dragged me through the isles, I spotted a tuff of brown hair right where we were headed. Of course.

Just my luck, the seat was right next to Tom.

Draco you traitor!

"Nope nope nope!" I quickly did a heel turn and attempted to run away from the situation, but Draco caught my arm again and turned to whisper to me.

"Y/n! Just sit down you idiot, Tom is nice!"

Oh yeah...sure Draco. He's soooo nice. Do pigs fly?

We had only just became friends and Draco was already setting me up with people.

He practically shoved me in the seat next to Tom, before running off to start the Quidditch game.

Would it be rude to tell Tom he's a narcissist prick and I don't want to be next to him ever in any situation? Probably.

"Hey y/n." Tom said, trying his best to be suave. It really wasn't working. He had no reason to be as confident as he was, it was just obnoxious to me.

"Hey...Tom." I replied, discretely edging myself as far away from him as I could.

"I'm sorry if I came off strong yesterday y/n. I thought that was what you liked."

Why would he think that? Is he daft? Who would enjoy that?

He didn't seem to notice my agitation, and reached underneath his seat to reveal an immaculate bouquet of flowers.

"I got this for you to apologize, I just knew you'd appreciate it." he smirked, and handed me them.

They were far too prim and perfect for my liking. I would've preferred a genuine gift, not something as commercialized as a bouquet.

"Oh uhm.." I started, before he cut me off.

"Oh no need to thank me Y/n. Like I said, I knew you'd love it."

"Sure..." I whispered, dropping the flowers on the seat next to met as the game began to start. I planned to leave them there. Someone else can have them.

God, he makes me want to jump off the ledge into the quidditch field.

Speaking of the quidditch field—It definitely was an intense game, considering it was between the two rival houses: Gryffindor vs Slytherin.

Even from the stands I could feel the hatred of Potter radiating from Draco. There was no way he could go a game without doing something (that was probably against the rules) to sabotage Potter.

And just as I suspected, not even five minutes in the game Harry was knocked off his broom causing Mcgonagall to call a timeout. Unfortunately that gave Tom an opportunity to continue bothering me.

"Who's your favorite Professor y/n?" he asked in attempt to make small talk.

I couldn't say Snape.

"Oh- Uh.. Professor Flitwick." I lied. He hummed in response.

"I would've guessed Snape."

"What makes you think that." my shoulders tensed up. Was it obvious I sort of—kind of liked him?

"Oh you've been staying in his room after class. And he's nice to you."

"I'm only staying in his class because of tutoring." I snapped. "And anyways, he's just a entitled asshole who thinks he's more important than he actually is."

Okay, maybe the last part was me lashing out about Tom...

I mean, I had to get my aggression out somehow.

"Alright, alright." Tom laughed. "The game's about to start again."

I folded my arms and slumped back in my seat.

Potter was back on his broom, Tom shut up, and everything was well. The only problem was that Quidditch is extremely boring to watch. At least for me. I'm no sports fan.

Tom seemed distracted enough in the game, so I took the chance to sneak out of my seat, and out of the stadium. Draco would probably be mad at me for ditching Tom—but I had hoped to sneak back into the Slytherin common room and study. I wouldn't have been able to put up with Tom much longer anyways.

But nothing can ever go my way.

While exiting the stadium, I heard something that caused me to turn around.

It was Snape.

"Professor Snape?" I questioned as I was faced to meet with him.

"Why are you trying to leave the game Miss y/n?" he asked, stepping closer to me with his usual solemn expression.

"I was uhh... I was just going to get a jumper, professor. It's very cold out." I tried to come up with an excuse on the spot.

He rolled his eyes, not believing my story at all.

"Very Funny. You're wearing a sweater already Ms. Y/n. You know students are not allowed to leave the stadium once the game starts."

"You know.. I really didn't know..."

"I beg to differ. Every student is informed of the rules in their first year." he scoffed, still not buying anything I was saying.

I sighed.

Didn't he feel sympathy for me the last time I was with Tom... Maybe I could use that to my advantage.

"I suppose I'll just go back to my seat in the stadium with Tom Baker then..."

He sighed, his expression changing slightly.

"Fine y/n."

"What?" I mumbled.

"You heard me. Go. I won't make you go back into the stadium."


"You're actually letting me go?" I asked.

I was so relieved.

"Yes. Now go before I change my mind and decide to call Filch." Snape rolled his eyes. "I'll be leaving now as well."

"Professor- Wait!" I shouted.

Snape turned back around at the sound of my voice, and we made extended eye contact for the first time in the limited conversations we've had.

Deep down I'd like to think I'm a friendly person, And as a "friendly person" the immediate reaction to kindness is to give the kindness bearer a hug...

You can see where I'm going with this.

Forgetting that I was talking to the dungeon bat himself, I went in for a hug.

Once I reached him, I wasted no time and wrapped my small (in comparison) arms around his torso, and thanked him, without really expecting anything in return from him.

Snape just awkwardly patted my back. I didn't expect much else, considering I was probably the first person that had hugged him in years.

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