Chapter 8: He's Everywhere!

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I left the classroom submerged in my own thoughts...It was obvious that Professor Snape didn't want me to go the dance with Cedric for some reason... He couldn't be jealous could he? Please! There's no way y/n, you need to chill.

Regardless, I definitely didn't want to go by myself, so I had to make this work out. One way or another.

This much thinking wasn't healthy, I snapped myself out of my thoughts and tried to focus on the task at hand.

What class do I have next? Ah, Defense Against the Dark Arts. That class is always fun. Professor Lupin is a hoot!
I thought to myself as I made my way from the dungeons to the dark arts classroom.

As per usual, I sat next to Hermione Granger.

"Hey Hermione!" I greeted, taking my seat. Not sure if I mentioned it before, but I genuinely love Hermione. She's absolutely wonderful.

I waved at her when I walked in.

"Hello Y/n. What class did you come from?"

"Potions actually. We made a potion with a partner."

Hermione made a look of sarcastic surprise.

"Partners in Snape's class? Almost unheard of!" she chuckled.

I returned her laugh, and pulled out my Dark Arts textbook.

"Do you plan on going to the Dance Hermione?"

She looked down, a blush appearing on her face. Hermione has a sweetheart?

"Yes actually.... I'll be going with Ronald." she smiled,

Aw! They're so cute. If only I could have the same.

"Harry's going with...Cho I believe."

I chuckled at the mention of Harry, remembering that time in potions when Professor Snape forced him to cut Draco's ingredients. Good times indeed.

"I still don't have anyone to go with!" I sighed, putting my head down on the desk.
"I tried to ask Cedric, but Snape kept interrupting me!"

Hermione gave me a sympathetic look—before her lips curved up into a smile.

"I never knew you were interesting in Cedric." she smirked. "The Hufflepuff quidditch team is practicing during lunch, why don't you catch him there?"

I coughed awkwardly. I didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

"Well, uhm, I'm not interested in Cedric! It's just that neither of us have dates! We'll probably go as friends, it doesn't mean anything."

Its the truthhhhh Hermioneeee!

"Alright, Alright, Fine!" she giggled. "Now pay attention! Class is starting."

I sighed, and let my attention focus on the interesting lesson on boggarts that was planned for today. What would my boggart be? I wondered. Probably a spider. Spiders are gross.

Gross, just like Tom. Tom Baker. I shuddered.

Professor Lupin explained to us that the lesson today would be interactive.
Inside the wardrobe to the front of the classroom he had a boggart, and wanted us to practice a spell to defend ourselves. I guess I will be finding out what my boggart is today.

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