Chapter 19: Foolish Girl

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A/n: here's the chapter all you horny mfs were waiting for. If you don't like explicitly sexual writing I REALLY advise that you skip this chapter... lol. I am going to hell for this, certainly. It was so awkward to write this. Plus I feel like it's too fast paced but dhhshdhsh whatever.

I was in quite the compromising position. One that I would hate for anyone to find me in. One that would certainly get Severus fired. Y'know those cliche muggle movies where the teacher sleeps with a student? It seemed an awful lot like that.

It felt dangerous, really. But I had come too far—I cared far too much about this man to even consider the negative outcomes. I was practically underneath his thumb.

"While I would love to ravish you right over my desk," Severus let out an unusually heavy breath. "I'm afraid I care quite a bit about my work." Merlin, his voice...

His expression remained as stoic as it had ever been, but I could tell that there was something else behind his eyes. Something that made my stomach form knots.

Snape's grip was still on my wrist, holding it tightly next to my face—as if I would run away from him at any given moment.

Though we both knew I wouldn't be going anywhere. I wasn't sure of his exact intentions, but I knew the nature of them.

I just hoped he would actually follow through this time.

"Look at you." he thickly swallowed. "You look as if you'd shatter if I touched you."

His hand loosened around me, as if he was genuinely scared that I would break. He wasn't one to be gentle when I upset him, so why now?

He must've been having second thoughts...

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again,"

My eyes flickered to his chest, to his lips, and finally back to his eyes.

"You greatly underestimate me, Professor."

Challenging him seemed to be the only way to get what I wanted. He was never one to back down from a chance at proving himself better than others.

Snape smirked at my response. "I don't think I do."

Hook, line, and sinker.

"I'm much tougher than you think." I stared daringly into his eyes. If he still viewed me as some silly little student, this was going to go nowhere.

"You just keep pushing me, hmm?" he moved his body closer to mine, pressing my back tightly up against his desk.

I could feel something brewing inside of me. Like a failed potion, waiting to bubble over. Just when I think I'm in control, I always managed to crumble beneath him.

"It seems like I have no choice but to shatter you myself."

My breath hitched in my throat.

"Wouldn't want you running off to Cedric to provide you with things that I didn't."

He was still thinking about Cedric? At a time like this? Merlin, he certainly held grudges. Though I admit, his possessiveness was quite attractive.

"I would never—"

My sentence was cut off as he dragged me from the desk by my arm, tossing me onto his sofa as if I weighed no more than a feather.

"I'm not sure I believe you. Certainly not after your little display in my classroom." Severus leaned over the sofa, his hands on either side of my head.

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