Chapter 12: Cornish Pixies

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a/n: Hey! Before you read I have an important question! If I started to write a Lucius Malfoy x Reader fanfic would you guys be down to read that? I just love him & I feel as though there's not enough fanfic :) (plus I have a really good plot idea!)

Not to mention, Jason Issacs is insanely hot ;) let me know in the comments!! now onto the story

*Knock* *Knock*

What was that? I instantly jolted up from my desk, or rather...Severus' desk.

What am I doing here...? Oh, I remember now.

Recalling last night, I remembered we had both fallen asleep last night while he was reading.

It's not like I can blame myself for sleeping....his voice is incredulously soothing...

"Ow..." my hand instantly went to the back of my neck as I sat up. It felt like someone broke my neck while I was asleep. Severus was right about this being a terrible sleeping position.

"Severus? I have a question, I'm coming in." I heard from outside the room.

My heart dropped. That must've been the voice that woke me up. Is it late morning already? Staying in his room at night was such an awful idea!!!

Who's at the door anyway?—What am I going to do?  What are they going to think, finding me asleep in a teacher's room? Oh my god...

I had to think quickly, very quickly.

I could hide behind him...No. That's a terrible idea! Maybe just try to blend in with the shelves? No....Oh wait, I've got it!

I dropped to the floor, and squirmed my way under Severus' desk. (stepping on his shoes in the process, which I'm sure he didn't enjoy.)

I could tell Severus was awake now, because of the disgruntled movement in his legs.

He seemed to instantly realize that I was under his desk, but he had other (more important) things to attend to. Like the person currently at his door. Whoever it was, decided to walk in without asking permission.

"Hello Severus, I apologize for waking you, as it seems." The voice said.

"Yes, it's quite alright Albus." Severus sighed, tapping his foot underneath the desk.

So it was Dumbledore! I could only base what was happening off of the voices I heard, and the occasional movement of Severus' legs.

With me under his desk, he was in a vulnerable position, and I was incredibly tempted to mess with him. Tie his shoelaces together or something else juvenile...but I decided against it. The aftermath certainly wouldn't be worth it.

"I came to ask about Y/n L/n. She's now of your 5th year students, yes?"

Me? Why is Dumbledore asking about me? Does he know that me and Severus are...well, whatever we are?

"Yes, she's a decent student. She'll be transferring to advanced potions next semester, why?" Severus answered the Headmaster.

I understand that Professor Snape would rather die than compliment me, but...decent? Really?

I flicked him in the leg, resulting in a light kick from him to my side.

"I think she's make a wonderful prefect, no?" Dumbledore asked.

Me? A prefect? Hell yes!

"I suppose so." Snape responded in his usual stoic tone. He was amazing at not showing emotion (Most of the time, anyways)

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