Chapter 17: What a Mess

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A/n: Oh my god this fanfic has reached 100k reads... that's insane! I don't know how to thank you guys enough. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

It amazes me how fast things can change. How one moment, you can be best friends with someone—and the next you're not. How can fellow students harbor this much prejudice? I'm a witch/wizard like the rest of them. What difference does my blood status make?

Not to mention that after the Harry and Hermione debacle, I hadn't heard anything from Draco for the rest of the day. I was dreading going back to the common room.

"Would they all laugh at me?"

"Would one of my roommates try to smother me with a pillow while I'm asleep?"

They all seemed like viable scenarios in my panicked mind, but where else was I going to sleep? The corridors? It was unavoidable. I had to go back at some point.

I forced myself to head towards the dorms, and tried to enter as quietly as possible. What I saw from the doorway was certainly not what I expected. The common room was completely barren of students. It was so silent I could've heard a pin drop.

Maybe they decided to go to sleep early? That seemed like the least awful of all things they could be doing.

Maybe Draco hasn't told anyone yet. Is he really going to turn on me this fast? I could just be overthinking it.

After taking a deep breath, I decided to just head to bed. The door to my shared bedroom was right up ahead—it shouldn't be that hard.


Seems like tonight is full of surprises.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard something from above my head. Who would've guessed.

Before I could react, I was drenched in a mushy liquid that (by the smell) could only be—


Mud. Of course its mud. A preplanned prank no doubt.

I could hardly see anything, my eyes were covered in the stuff. It was so cold. How was I going to get this out of my uniform?
As I stood there in shock, the formerly silent common room became an audience of laughter.

"Mudblood!" they chuckled, relishing in my misery.

"How fitting that a Mudblood like yourself is covered in mud!"

"You're a disgrace to the Slytherin house!"

"Get your dirty blood out of our common room!"

I couldn't tell if I was crying, or if my eyes were just burning because of the dirt—but I ran out of that room as fast as I could. I was humiliated. Draco told everyone, and now I was sitting in a corridor by myself. (Covered in filth no less.)

It was far too late into the night for me to try and find Hermione, so I did the next best thing.


"Severus?" I whispered as I knocked on the door to his quarters.

Please be awake. Please be awake. Please be awake.

I stood there in silence for a few moments before I heard a grumble, and some heavy footsteps. I silently prayed that he wouldn't be too upset with me.

The door opened to reveal a disgruntled Professor Snape, clearly just woken up from sleep.

"Y/n?" his eyes widened. "What in Merlin's name happened to you?"

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