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Captain Natsu Dragneel
A.K.A. Salamander

"That dick!" I slammed my fist into the wall, the wood cracking.
I paced. My boots thumping on the wooden floor, probably bothering the hell out of the Kitchen staff who were the level below. I shoved out of my door onto the deck. Everyone moving out of my way.
It had been 3 fuckin days. This son of a bitch hasn't said a word, he hasn't eaten anything, and he had to be tied up tighter because he had kicked me when I had personally blessed him with my fabulousness to give him his food. He was at least drinking but he wouldn't say a word. He was acting like the spoiled upperclassman that he was.
I slammed my fist into the bar table as my fingers thrummed on the tabletop. Mira glided towards me, half of the men in the crew watching her go.
"Fire whiskey?" She hummed, polishing a beer glass.
"Fire whiskey." I agreed. She knew my favourite.
I heard a quite thump beside me, a worried looking Levy plonked down, a seat away. "H-Hey Natsu?"
"What?" I growled. Usually I wouldn't have snapped at her because she was one of my best friends, but I was in way to bad of a mood to care that a really pissed Gajeel was glaring daggers at me as he cleaned one of the cannons.
"Uhh, if you want, I can try talk to the Commander," she stuttered, "I have a suspicion that I'd like to confirm."
"Suspicion?" I muttered. Usually Happy would be here to calm me down but he was busy delivering the ransom note for his highness in the hold.
"Y-yes. It would be very useful is it's found to be correct."
"Really now? Then sure, go investigate, but please, stay at least 2 meters away. I don't want Gajeel to kill me for letting you get hurt."
Levy's head snapped back as her eyes narrowed at Gajeel. "Are you threatening your Captain again, Gajeel?" She growled. Her eyes darkened. The male in question instantly turned around and pretended not to pay attention. "That's right. Thanks. I don't think the Commander is capable of magic so I should hopefully be fine. He has no weapons, right?"
I nodded.
"Ok, thanks Cap'n!"

Well...... this will sure be interesting. Will I get my head bitten off? Will we find out something cool? Who knows.

Archive Master & Assistant GunnerLevy Mcgarden

I lightly padded down the creaky steps. The Commander had remained silent but now it's my turn to get him to talk! If my suspicions are correct, he can use magic, though why he hasn't yet, I do not know.

As I entered the dark, dingy room, the first thing that greeted me was the stench of old alcohol and grain.
"What." Hissed a voice in the shadows.
"Solid script: Light." I muttered, the word materialising in the air. "H-hi." I stammered. My nerves overcoming me.
The man in front of me smirked slightly. His legs were crossed, his arms behind his back. His feet tied together.
"Your name is Levy, am I correct?" He murmured. Shock ran through me.
"Ho-how did you know?" I tripped over my tongue.
"You lot are awfully loud." He continued. His hat covering his face. "Why did you come here." He sighed. "To interrogate me?"

"Y-yes. Sorry sir. It's just the Captain is getting kinda frustrated and we don't want him destroying the whole ship and killing us all."

"Fine. What do you want to ask."

"Uhh, first of all, What's with the mask and the hat?"

"Why that of all things?"

"I'm the one asking questions!" I whined. The man chuckled.

"Fine, fine. To hide who I really am."

"Well no shit! But what are you hiding?"

He Suddenly stood up. I repressed a gasp."You know what? I might as well just show you something else. He pulled out a blade from inside his glove and quickly sawed out from in between his feet and hands. I began to get ready to cast an iron on his head. "Hey! Calm down!" He held his hands up and plonked down back onto the floor. "Say, I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you everything you want to know, if that Cap'n of yours beats me in a fight. If you win, I'll tell you everything, if I win, you drop me off at the next sea port. Deal?"

"Uhh. I'll have to confirm with Natsu. But first, I cannot allow you to go free like that. Sorry, but I don't want Natsu to kill me!"

The man nodded and allowed me to bind him.

I slowly shuffled up stairs, hoping that I wouldn't get killed.

Natsu Dragneel

The idea was dumb. It was stupid. But if we can get that motherfucker to at least give us something, then it's worth it. Plus he's been starved for the past 3 days. I think I'm more than likely to win. What Levy hadn't warned me was how much of an escape artist this guy was. When I entered the cellar, his hands and feet were unbound and he was fiddling with a blade.

"What?" He stated.

"I accept." The masked grinner flashed a devilish smirk, similar to mine.

"Alright." As he leapt up. "This'll be fun."

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