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Commander Lucile Lucky Heartfilia
A.K.A. Lukas Lucky Heartfilia

My eyes felt heavy. My stomach screaming at me. It was like a tiny demon clawing at my insides. The black void was maddening. I
Couldn't move. Couldn't speak. I couldn't feel myself breathing.

I forced my eyes open with all my will power, but ultimately failed. I would cry in frustration if I were able to.

Where was I? This did not feel like the cellar floor. It was warm and soft.

Was I alive? I couldn't hear or feel myself breath or move.

I eventually gave up, it was clear that I wouldn't move any time soon. Great.

I was finally able to feel myself breath after what seemed like an eon. Then again it could've been 5 minuets but I had no track of time. My right hand regained feeling and I was soon able to clench it in a fist. My gloves were off.
After another decade I could finally open my eyes. I found myself staring at a charred wooden ceiling. It seemed to have been scratched, burned, frozen, blasted with lightning, and slashed. The room had a warm light filtering through what I believed to be a window. I moved my right arm gently, touching a wall. I turned my head to the side, a wooden wall with similar marks was beside me. I turned around and spotted a small girl bandaging my leg quickly and gently. It was as if she were air. I couldn't feel her. She didn't seem to notice my eyes opening. She eventually turned her head and yelped as she spotted me awake.

"Oh my Lady, you're awake."

"L-Lady?" I stammered. My voice still with its feigned deepness. I quickly felt my head to discover my hat missing and my face to find my mask gone as well. "No......" my heart stopped.
"You all know?" I panicked.

"Yes Lady Heartfilia. I'm sorry! It's Natsu's fault! Please don't kill him though!" Her eyes watered as she pleaded.

I held my breath. Now a whole pirate crew knew my secret. They were obviously going to ransom me for more now.

"May I ask you a question?" The little girl mumbled. Her big brown eyes held down.


"Are you the Lucile? Like, Lukas' twin sister, were you taking his place as Commander while he was busy?"

"Yes and No." I sighed, " Yes I am Lucile, and no I wasn't taking Lukas' place. Because I am Lukas. I was a single child."

Her eyes were like saucers. But she said nothing. I felt my neck, looking for my keys. They were gone. "Where are my keys?" I panicked once more.

"Captain took them. He said they smelled

I felt my blood boil. My keys were the closest things I had to family, even with my son of a bitch for a father. I would not have them taken away from me again. I leapt up, my body protesting, probably the bruises and the damage done by that bastard. The girl didn't bother try stop me. I kicked the door open,
I didn't care for the fact I wasn't wearing my boots. I shoved my way out the door which was apparently connected to the deck. I didn't notice that I was wearing only a pair of shorts and tight bandages on my chest. I had bandages covering my entire upper torso.

I tied my hair up in a ponytail as I scanned the empty deck for the captain. I turned to see a mop of pink at the bar being served by a white haired lady in a dress. I stormed over, grabbing his hair, holding him up to my face.

"Where the FUCK did you take my keys Salamander?" I hissed.

"Who are you?" He questioned. Have we met?

"You know bloody well who I am. You unmasked me and stole my keys, does Commander ring a bell?"

Realization shone in his eyes. Then a devilish smirk appeared on his face once more."Those keys? They're mine now. Shame girly. It's obvious you couldn't take me to get them back anyway." He chuckled. Turning back around. The girl just sighed and turned away.

"Wanna bet?" I threw a punch, knocking him out instantly. "Uhhh........" I didn't know what to do. The lady behind the bar giggled.

"Natsu does that a lot. He's strong but kinda stupid. Especially when he's drunk."So that's why he was so easy to knock out. "Here, have a drink. It'll calm yourself."

I took a swig. Not bothering to remember that promise I made to myself all those years ago. Never. Get. Drunk. Under ANY circumstances. Usually I'd avoid alcohol all together. I can't handle my liquor. Not in the way you're thinking. No, I go into a blind rage and beat up anyone within the reach of my fists.

As I started chugging, guys started to pile in the open bar.
They to started drinking, seemingly ignoring me. Then one decided it would be a good idea to hit on the barefoot blonde with a bandage for a crop top and shorts. I didn't remember much, other than he looked to be triple my age. I socked him and started a bar fight. Hah. Yeah..... I don't remember any of it. It's just what I was told when I woke up in a very interesting situation the next day.

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