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Captain Natsu Dragneel
A.K.A. Salamander

I could feel worry increase inside me as I waited for Erza to return with the confirmation of whether or not the Commander wished to join.

"Yo what's wrong Match stick you look like you've seen a gho-." The annoying Ice cube was cut off by a door swung in his face. Usually I would've laughed if I wasn't fearing for my life and that of the ship. A blur of red and gold were battling it out, kicks, punches and swings were thrown. I sighed. I was gonna have to break it up wasn't I. Suddenly they stopped, face to face. Death seemed to be promised by both their expressions. I ran over to them attempting to break them up when as soon as I came into range, a fist from both of them hit me in the face. Man it hurt. They didn't even look at me. They continued on.

They now stood, the Commander giving her tips on her form while she was fighting. Tips. Erza nodded and had a sparkle in her eye. A god damn sparkle.

"Ay! What was that for?" I whined. Yes whined is the correct word for it.

They both snapped their heads in my direction and snarled. Their faces dark and growling. I backed up and watched as they continued to exchange tips.

Finally after 2 hours they stopped and Erza went to check on the crew, leaving The blonde devil by herself. I was seriously confused on how she got those clothes. She was wearing bandages a few hours ago! And from the whiff I got off it it smelled almost exactly like the Commander and not like the clothes that the rest of us wore, all of ours smelled like salt.

"Ay Princess, where'd you get the clothes?" I casually asked, so cooly that it would make any woman fall head over heels. I mean I did that for most women with my gorgeous looks, but it worked even on some of the strongest willed women. Unless they were pirates, but she was a noble woman.

"Fuck off Dragneel." She hissed as she glared at me. She sat down on a bar stool and ordered a shot of fire whiskey.

I gritted my teeth. Well, very strong willed. "Make that two." I ordered after her. Hopefully she's gonna be less violent after a few shots.

She wasn't. She threw extremely hard punches when I tried my charm on her. Only when she had fallen over onto the floor, after 23 shots mind you, did she start to be more agreeable. Sorta. After I pulled her up, she did an almost 180. I used my hand to steady her as I helped her up. By now it was probably 5 in the evening and the sun had set. Her eyes were half open and a delicate blush dusted her face and her disheveled hair was tucked back. Very warm and hungry chocolate orbs stared at me.

"What? See somethin?" She purred, leaning on my arm. Her chest pressed against it.
I could feel her silky skin on my arm as she traced an area around my back with a finger. I could feel myself blush. She winked as she flirted. Before I knew it, she was on my lap. I held still. It's not to say I wasn't enjoying myself. I just really didn't want to be killed if she snapped out of her trance. She was very drunk. I guess this was probably a habit as she must've done it often to the rich men that she targeted and killed on her father's orders. I remember reading once in the news that she'd had 32 fiancées over the span of 3 years. The 17 year old. God.

"NATSIEEEEE!" A high pitched voice wailed. I could feel myself groan. Lissanna.

"NATSIE!" She continued to call until she stumbled upon the bar and the drunk Commander, who was now sitting back on her chair and somehow seemed fully sane again. Seemed. "Natsie! There you are honey! Why are you with this bimbo?" She accused. Heartfilia stared at her with her eyes half open and a look that a tired mother would give her children graced her face.

"Bimbo? You mean yourself?" She stated clearly, as if she was never drunk in the first place.  "You're the one with 10 pounds of jewels, tight crop top, short skirt, tights and 6 inch heels, not forgetting the butt padding." She grinned devilishly. Her eyes seemingly sparkling with a look that Happy often gave me when he shoved a fish in my bed.

Lis had nothing to say in return. The Commander smirked. I could see rage boil up inside her. "Ugh! This is not the end! I will get you, Blondie!" And with that I could hear the clacking of her dagger like shoes as they stabbed them selves into the wood.

I turned back to the supposed princess and saw her with her head on the table, another 6 empty shot glasses beside her. She had had 29 shots of fire whiskey. Some of the strongest stuff on board. I mean while only had about 10 so I would be fine. Her head was laying on the table, completely knocked out.

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