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Captain Natsu Dragneel
A.K.A. Salamander

I didn't know what to do with her. I mean, sure I technically abducted her, but she had beaten me up so many times! And she's scary. I rathered to leave her on the bar table top, the infirmary is still full thanks to her and I think the counter is a little more comfy than the cellar. Well, we could always hang up a hammock in the cellar. I guess I can get Gajeel to do it tomorrow, though I might need to ask Levy to 'convince' him.

Gajeel is still recovering from the stupid hormone thing. Ever since he marked Levy 2 months ago after dating for like what 3 years?, some how she marked him too, he's been very protective and doesn't listen to anyone but Levy. Literally. I can kick his ass as much as I want, only his Levy can get him to do anything. Not even Erza. Like, how suicidal can you be!

She seemed fine enough so I decided to leave her be. There were no free rooms so I guess little miss heiress gets the cellar. I threw myself down on my bed, the thin sheets as comfy as ever. As Captain, I had a bed and a hammock so ha ha ha. Some had a bed, others had a hammock though most had a hammock because most shared rooms. Erza also has a bed, her room is almost double the size of mine but it's full of armor and swords.

The sheets felt cold oddly. They still smell a bit like the Commander. I find her scent rather overwhelming. I sigh as I pull the thin sheets over my head.

I feel a small weight on my chest. I open my eyes and see a bright blue lump of fur sleeping on my chest. Happy dozing peacefully. "Ay buddy."

I could see him slowly open his eyes and sit up. "Aye sir!" He yawned. "I got the General's response." He got that smirk that promised mischief.

I pulled out the letter that he had placed in  his green bag on his back. The letter was rolled up and tied with a piece of purple ribbon, purple the most expensive dye in the world, and the red wax seal of the Heartfilian family.

Captain Salamander,

I demand that you return my heir! They are worth more money that your entire ship and crew combined!

Their participation in an alliance between Fiore and Alvarez is imperative for the survival of millions of soldiers!

We have agreed for a ransom of 50,000,000 jewels in exchange for the safe return of the Commander, as well as a pardon for all accused crimes. This also includes the release of your predecessor Captain Makarov.

We meet on the Northern side of Tenrojima on the 7th of July for further possible negotiations.

With Regards,
General Jude Heartfilia

I laughed. 50 million? That was more than enough to by 4 of our ships! Yet this man threw it around like pocket change. It sickened me. I didn't bother with my open vest shirt and walked out in my pants and boots. I had left my piercings in from the night before. The thought that the general did not refer to his heir as anything but amused me. As if that was going to let me forget that the Commander was a woman. I walked out up on deck, the flooring creaking as usual. Everyone was still passed out from the night before, as usual. I sighed as I began searching for the blonde Erza. She certainly wasn't at the counter like last night. I could see Levy sitting in Gajeel's lap as he leaned against the mast, his arms tightly around her waist as she leaned on his arms. I could feel a pang if jealously. Most male slayers found their partner at the age of 15, females 14, Laxus and Mira have been dating since they were 12! Like, come on! He marked her when they were 13! Seriously! I ignored the bitter taste in my mouth. It was something I was used to.

After I had completely scoured the ship, I found my way to the cellar. I pulled open the door to find a figure in a tank top and shorts pull ups off a support beam. I stood and watched for a minute before she finally gave an annoyed "What?"

At least she noticed me. Jerk. "Yeah, Daddy big bucks said that he wants to meet at tenrojima on the 7th next month to discuss your 'release'."

She hopped down and on bare feet landed before me. She presented her hand, her dark eyes obviously interested, "Can i see please?" She asked gently, her voice less commanding and more civil.

I pressed the rolled up scroll in her open palms, she peeled it open slowly, a grimace clear on her face. As her eyes began to scan her father's writing, she let out a loud chortle that you would not expect from a lady of her calibre but then again it wasn't every day you meet a female war lord and warrior.

Her face dropped, her eyes visually sad. "I know. I'll go back, heck I'll get you double the ransom. For all that you could've done, you've been surprisingly respectful."

Commander Lucile Lucky Heartfilia
A.K.A. Lukas Lucky Heartfilia

"I have a feeling that I'll be made to marry the Emperor's brother, apparently the empress is adamant due to the fact that he's refused all possible suitors and that he is very anti social. She hopes that He'll feel obligated to come out of hiding or something like that and take his place as prince." I thought I could hear him choke but I dismissed this. I loved my country and I didn't want millions of soldiers to die in a meaningless battle. I wouldn't let another massacre happen if I could prevent it. Never again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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