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Commander Lucile Lucky Heartfila,
A.K.A Commander Lukas Lucky Heartfilia

"No! Plue! Leave him alone! I'm sorry Papa!"

"I've told you thousands of times, girl, no magic! You know the laws and what happened to your mother! Put those keys away, this instant, or I will break them!"

"No! I'm sorry! Please don't! Please!"

I awoke in a cold sweat. My night gown damp with my liquid fear.That nightmare .Again.
I feverishly opened the box where I had hidden my keys all those years ago and gently stroked them, polishing them with my fingertip. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I flicked it away, regaining my composure. I pulled on my underwear, and bandaged my chest to hide it, puberty had cursed me with quite a large chest, and I must hide my gender from the public, they would'nt respect me if they knew who I truly was. Women are not deemed fit for any position of power. What a world we live in. Pulling my heavy, warn, navy blue coat and beige pants on gingerly, I never liked the pants, I tied my hair into a tight bun on the top of my head and placed the captain's hat on my head, after I put on my black mask to hide my face. I took one last look at the wooden box, the keys gleaming inside, as if to say, 'Come on! Nobody will know! You don't have to use us! Stop being a fucking wuss and just put us in your bandages!'
I sigh as I slip the chain around my neck and tuck the keys in. They better not be found. I tightened my whip around my waist and shoved through the door, locking my room behind me. I couldn't allow any snoopers in my room. I would surely be found if they discovered my corsets and dresses.

The only ones who know of my true identity are my father and the king himself. Those two old bastards. I swear. The only reason I'm not bearing the king's children right now is because he was displeased by my unladylike figure. That's right. He was scared of my biceps. Hah. Wimp.

I laced up my black combat boots, and shoved my celestial blade into it's scabbard. It had been a gift from my mother, the previous Commander of the Magnolian Navy, more commonly known as the MPS or Magnolia Sea Police. I'm reality, I was the head of the FN or Fioren Navy, but I was currently stationed here. Due to the, uhh,  overpopulation of pirates. Not any just any pirates. Mage Pirates.

At least magic items were'nt banned, though you need a special permit. I'd gotten mine when I was Three. It's nice to have a rich Daddy who's best buds with the king, in a sense that I can basically get away with anything, but not nice in the sense that he's a total dick who reminds me of how I should've been a boy every day. He ignored me since my mother passed, and has only started to pay attention now that I have matured and become of marriage age, and the fact that I have enough physical prowess to kick his ass, but I'm sure the latter is less important. Yeah. Definitely.

I marched through the wooden corridor, my heavy military grade boots thumping of the floor boards, my duel Celestial Pistols in hand, mindlessly fiddling with the triggers.

I entered the headquarters of the MSP, all my men were awaiting me inside. I cleared my throat, preparing to address them, I often had to force my voice deeper to hide my identity. My men knew me as Luke Lucky Heartfila, none actually knew that I was a women.

"Attention!" I announced, everyone in the room freezing, and turning to me, saluting me simultaneously. Their faces plastered in a frozen state of fear. I was known to harshly discipline any slackers or rule breakers. Those punishments varied, from being shot in the leg to getting hung to the point of near death. But never actually dead. That would be a waste.

"Aye Commander Heatfilia, Sir!" They responded in unison. The closest man in my presence, a new recruit, shivered. His lip trembled. Sissy. He was  a few inches shorter, I had had a spell placed on me by my father when I was little, it made me grown to 6 feet instead of what I was supposed to, I mean, it did help with military work, I was taller than most, but it was hard to find me a husband, most men are put off by taller women, not that I was complaining.

"Alight, boys, today we've got a bit of a challenge, hope you're ready. Remember those scumbags that killed the old king?"

I could hear the murmurs and snarls at the mention of the old king's death. He was stabbed by the old captain of the Fairy's. The old king was beloved, unlike the current one, his younger brother, and he payed special attention to the navy so he was well liked by my underlings.



Captain Natsu Dragneel
A.K.A Salamander

I swung around on the bow of the ship on one of the many ropes, my glorious gallion cut through the water, they called her The Blade of the Sea, the fastest ship in existence, and she was mine.

"Oi Happy!" I called, my bright blue cat came scrambling up to me, his wings appering as he flew up to my shoulder.

"Aye, sir?" He asked, puzzled.

I chuckled, "You know why today's special?" I asked.

"No, why? Is it fish day?" He asked excitedly. His little wings flapping with glee.

"Sorry buddy, fish day is on Friday, today's Tuesday." I could see his face visibly sadden, his head drooping, "But, that's not why today's special," he looked at me expectantly, "Today's the day we raid Magnolia!"

"Aye! But what about Commander Heartfilia?" He worried. His usually loud voice shortened into a slight whimper.

"Heh, so glad you asked. Today also happens to be the day when we bring him to his knees, when we unmask that asshole, and become the rulers of the seas! Who's with me?!" I roared across the ship.


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