2. girl power

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I wake up in Bellamy's lap with his arms wrapped around me. I look around and notice we are in the back of the truck with Kane, Monty and Indra.

"Having a tea party are we?" I ask looking at everyone lounging around and looking bored. This cause everyone but Kane to scoff. What a prick.

"I say we make a run for it." Monty says whilst looking out the window.

"What is going on?" I ask looking to Bell.

"Someone has trapped us in here. We've been here for three hours." He tells me with boredom written all over his face.

"Not to worry I'm here now, your lives just got better." I smile happily and a smile creeps onto Indra's face.

"The boys right. They can wait a lot longer than we can." Indra says going back to what Monty said.

"Cover me." I say getting up and grabbing a gun from the ground.

"Mar." Bellamy begins but Indra cuts him off.

"She can do it. She's strong." Indra backs me up.

"Girl power!" I smirk whilst holding out my fist and Indra fist pumps back causing everyone to chuckle. I go to open the hatch and I look around but I feel an arm wrap around my throat but I don't move because I have no idea who it could possibly be. I hold my hands in surrender and whoever it is takes my gun.

"We have company." I warn everyone below me and I tense expecting to be shot then and there but it never comes.

"Everybody out or the girl dies." The guy holding me hostage warns and I am instantly hauled up from the truck.

"Get your hands of her!" I can hear Bellamy yell from below me and then they all make their way out of the truck. The guy holding me jumps down from the truck with me but then he pins me to the ground along with everyone else.

"Get your hands of me you piece of," I yell at the guy pinning me to the ground but then I feel him loosen up and I turn around to someone covered in a mask

"Marley Ice?" He asks me whilst pulling of his mask and I come face to face with my old teacher on the ark. Pike.

"Ugh! You have to be kidding me! I thought I was done with you four years ago!" I groan getting up off the ground and he laughs.

"Who is he?" Bellamy asks with a concern look on his face.

"My nightmare." I groan hopping onto the boot of the truck and everyone else takes of their masks. They must be survivors from the other stations.

"I'm her old teacher." Pike answers Bellamy and I swear I can see relief flood through him. Once everyones masks come of lots of people catch up and I think Monty reunites with his Mum. It was pretty cute. Gotta love a Mumma's boy. I hop down from the truck and make my way over to Pike, Kane and Bellamy.

"I hate to cut this short but we need to find Clarke." Bellamy says interrupting Kane and Pikes reunion.

"Clarke Griffin? If only all my earth skills students were as good as her." Pike replies and I strike up with a fake hurt look on my face.

" Pike replies and I strike up with a fake hurt look on my face

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