10. goodbyes

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*listen to "sign of the times by harry styles" to really get into it 💕 enjoy 😽

I head to Bellamy's room to check up on him. Lately i'm haven't been fully confident with his judgement due to the loss of Marley. If I lost Lincoln I would have no clue what to do with myself. Bellamy and Marley had a relationship like i've never seen before and the aftermath isn't going to be light. I just don't want him to do anything he'll regret.

I make sure to check up on him every few hours or so. He doesn't talk or look at me or do anything but I just have to make sure he is alive. As long as he's alive i'll be fine. I open the door silently in case he's sleeping for the first time since her death. However when I open the door all I see is a small gray room with nothing in it. It's strange to look at knowing how long I spent in here without and communication besides Bell and my Mum whilst she was still here.

When I snap out of my thoughts I don't know what to do. I think of the worst situation possible.

"Please don't leave me." Katherine begs giving me a sad pathetic look. I love her but I've chosen her over family for too long now. I have to do what I know is right.

"Katherine she's going to die unless she gets proper medical attention

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"Katherine she's going to die unless she gets proper medical attention." I yell pointing to Marley. Her calm sleeping features totally unaware of the display in front of her.

"Michael are you kidding me? Your going to choose her over me? She means nothing to you." She spits with a look I've never seen before. I always saw the best of her and looked past all the wrong she did. And it's hard. I don't want to see her for what she really is.

"Goodbye, Katherine." I say calmly turning to Marley. I pick her up in my arms and carry her out. I can hear Katherine spitting out profanities and yelling in the back of my mind but for the first time i manage to block it out for the first time. I look at my sister and I know I've failed her. But now I have a chance to make it up. I have done so much wrong and I don't even have reasoning. I can feel my Mother and Father looking down on me and for so long I blocked them out but now I want them to know I'm back. I'm here to look after those that I love.

And with that in mind I hear Marleys breathing gradually get shallower and I pick up my pace into a sprint. A sprint to save the most important girl in my life that I always manage  to fail. My sister.

"Come on!" I scream at my horse in a poor attempt to save my brother. I don't for sure but I have to take a chance. I know he has gone to do something horrible.

My first thought was at the dropship. He'd want to go back to where this all began. When we all 100 of us where innocent and pure. Where a big brother snuck into a shop to see his sister one last time. Where a young girl spent years under a float board wanting to know her purpose. Where a beautiful girl tried to escape a harsh world in search of a new one with her best friend and brother. When two lunatics where just here for a good time. When a blonde tried her hardest to keep us all alive. It's crazy to think how far we have all come. We're all murderers. We've all discovered love. We've all lost people. We've all made friendships stronger than anything. We've all tried to put the past behind us everyday. But we all stuck together.

This is one of the most important choices of my life. If he isn't here it might be to late. But I have to trust my gut. When I see the dropship I hop off my horse and run like hell. I spot his body collapsed on the ramp of the dropship. I try my best to throw aside all emotions. I use all my strength to pull him onto my horse.

I don't know if his heart is beating or not all I know is that I have to get him to Abby. He can't leave without saying goodbye. Not now, not ever.

Hey everyone!

Sorry it took so long for this update but I hope you like it 😽

Till next time x

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