6. spinning

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I wake up in a daze my whole world is spinning. I try to sit up but I groan and look down to see I'm wrapped up with a bandage. Around my torso. I take in my surroundings. I'm in a grounder cave like thing laying on the ground. It looks like someones been helping me? I see lots of needles and bandages. Is this a makeshift hospital? I try to get up and it hurts like hell. but I stand up and stumble to an opening in the room. I think I'm in a bunker? My heart is pounding now that my mind is working and I'm making sense of my surroundings. Am I a prisoner?

I have to get out. I don't know who has me here or what they want but on earth, there are no good motives. Every man for themselves.

I walk down a hallway trying to find my way out. It's mainly metal with doors but I don't risk opening them in case people are in them. I tiptoe around looking for an exit which is very hard when you've almost been stabbed to death. I have so many questions running through my head. But I try to keep on track. I turn a corner and I'm faced with two peoples backs to me in a living room. I step back but to just my luck someone turns around because I obviously made a sound.

I'm lost for words when I see him sitting there staring at me.


Hey everyone!

PLOT TWIST! I've been waiting for this for so long omg. All will be explained next chapter dw.

Sorry, these chapters are so short but I hope you like it.

Till next time x

The Lost - Bellamy Blake - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now