wake up call

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I woke up to what sounded like Ryan and Jacky arguing.....great.

I got dressed and walked downstairs to see Jacky hit Ryan and Jacky tackle him.

I leaned up against the wall and watched in amusement as the two rolled around and hit each other.

Vic walked in and asked,"You not going to stop them?"

"Not my place and i don't even know why they are fighting."

"Over you."Cc said and i sighed and walked out of the house.
I don't have time for stupid boys.

I got in my car and drove to one of my favorite bars/clubs.

I walked into 'stitches' and looked at the bartender,he looked so familiar.....oh my god Aaron.

"Aaron?" i asked

"Yeah,who are you?" he asked me and i looked down and said,

"Don't even remember your first kiss.....harsh."

"Oh my god.....Phoenix?!?"


"Your back."

"Yeah,i got back yesterday."

"Have you seen your brother yet?"

"Yeah,that's where I'm staying."

"With all of those guys?"


"Then you definitely need a strong drink."

"Yep,can i have a rum and coke,more rum than coke."

"You sure can."

He handed me my drink and it was perfect.

I finished it and payed.

I walked out of the bar and drove back to to my brothers.

I walked back into the house.

Everyone was all standing there having a conversation about not fighting over me because i was off limits....i don't know.

I walked through and everyone got quiet.

"Cc can i steal you for a minute?" i asked he nodded and we walked out side.

"So what is happening in side?"

"Ronnie is telling everyone your off limits but i think he knows it wont work."

"And why wont it work?"

"Because your hot and we are all dudes."

"I'm not hot,i'm not even pretty."

"That's not true,oh and you don't have to worry about Jinxx."


"He is gay."




"Yeah,and some of the guys have girlfriends."

"Thank you."


We walked back inside and everyone looked at us.

I rolled my eyes at them and sat down on the couch.

"So everyone done yelling,if not i need another drink." i sighed and everyone nodded and Andy said,

"Yeah,they're done."

I nodded.

I also took note that he glared and stretched They're out.

I got up and went to my room.

I took a nice hot shower.

I got out and pit on some cloths.

I need a new tattoo....mmmmm...i wonder if Cc,vic,or Ashley will come with me.

I walked down stairs and asked Cc,Ashley,and Vic if they would come with me.

They of course said yes.

So now i was looking for a new design......I'm thinking another batman....or maybe a skull I don't know i don't have a lot of room i could do the left side of my neck or one on my shoulders i don't have either of those tattooed yet.... decisions decisions decisions.... I think i will do my left shoulder.....but what to put on it.

Vic said he wasn't going to get one but he would watch,Cc was getting a arm tattoo,and Ashley was getting a stomach tattoo.



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Ok well Cc just kind of got his touched up and colored more

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Ok well Cc just kind of got his touched up and colored more.

Why me i still haven't decided what i want....maybe Ashley can help.



"Can you help me?"


"Picking a tattoo."

"Sure,where do you want it?"

"My left shoulder."

"Ok,let's look."

So we did and we came up with a cool tattoo.

My tattoo:

After we we're done they wanted to know about all of my tattoos so i told them

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After we we're done they wanted to know about all of my tattoos so i told them.

(Explain them next authors note.)

"Yeah,don't let andy see you batman ones." Cc said and i gave him 'what the fuck...why?' look.

"He loves batman." Ashley said and i nodded my head ok.

We went back to the house and watched movies.

Until about midnight when we all went to our rooms and went to bed.

Ronnie Radke's lil sister(Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now