weading day

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I woke up and my mom came running in to do my hair and make up.


After I got into my dress I sighed and looked at my brother who I gladly asked if he would walk me down the isle.

Nothing against my parents oh wait its everything against my parents.

"Ready??" Ronnie asked and I nodded,

"As ready as I will ever be I guess."

"Your not getting second thoughts are you??" Ronnie asked and I shook my head,

"Brother you should know by now I never get cold feet,i just dont know if I will be a good wife for him."

"Sis you got this now shut up and rock this isle like a bro."

I gave him a hug and me and my brother headed down the isle.

Andy smiled at me and I smiled back.

Oh dear God


I changed out of all weading shit and grabbed a strong drink as a married human and started chugging.

"You ok??" Ashley asked and I just put a thumbs up and kept chugging,

"She went stop chugging till that bottles gone just give her a second." Aaron said and I flipped him off and finished the bottle,

"What's up ashley??" I asked and he shrugged,

"Are you ok?" 

"Yeah I'm great." I smiled and Aaron just shook his head,

"I haven't seen you chug like that since you lost your virginity in the woods,what's going on??"

"I dont know ok,I feel stuck." I sighed and they both shared a look and Ashley rubbed my back and spoke,

"Its because you just got married dont worry if you truly love him the feeling will go away,why dont we all three get shit faced and are if that helps??"

"6 of us." Vid said as him,cc,and jinx walked in.

Jinx grabbed aarons hand and Aaron kissed jinxs forehead


I got up grabbed another bottle and poured like idk 60 shots and we all started taking shots left and right and we kept taking them until only one of us were standing,

All that was left was me and vic

"Your going down." Vic said and I shook my head,

"You wish."

Me and him started taking more shots then he stumbled and fell

"I WIN!!" I yelled and vic flipped me off from the floor and then Aaron stared puking...hahaha

Then I fell


V:ha that's what you get

C:shut up she still beat us

J:I suck at trying to outdrink yall

P:its cool no one can out drink me,except maybe right now

Aa:that's the truth

A:a gut up she still out drank all of us

P:shut up all of you andy is gonna kill me

V:naw he loves you

P:naw hes gonna kill me

A:dont worry I'll perfect you

P:do you even think you can stand and lets face it I dint think I can even get up to crawl away

V:she has us there

Aa:just call your brother

C:or me I got you lil sis

P:so we just gonna chill on the floor

V:well can you get off the floor


A:so looks like we hanging out on the floor


"What the fuck happened??" Andy asked and my eyes went wide and I sighed,

"Ok well ik gonna be honest they ok we all wanted to see who could out drink who and well this is the end result."

"What am I gonna do with you??" Andy asked and I shrugged the best I could,

"Carry me to bed and cuddle me till I fa asleep??"

"Fine." He picked me up and carried to his I mean our room and laid me down.

He went to his closet grabbed the batman pjs I have been wearing and helped me change into them.

He laid down beside me and I cuddled up to him

"I'm sorry." I whispered and he looked down at me,

"For what??"

"I should not have drank so much and I'm sorry."

"Its cool." Andy said and kissed my head and stared rubbing my back.

I quickly fell asleep and when I woke up there was no andy.

I walked down stairs and there stood andy and juliet.

I stood there and ok I'm sorry to admit that I was over hearing their conversation,

"What are you doing here juliet?" Andy asked and she fake cried,

"I'm sorry andy I just want you back."

"I'm a married man."

"WHAT?!?" She screamed and that made vic,Ashley,ronnie,and apparently Aaron come running down the stairs and I just kinda mixed in with them but I could tell Ashley knew what I had done bu he wasnt ginna say shit.

"I got married." Andy said crossing his arms and juliet looked at me and glared,

"You!" She yelled and jumped at me she tackled me and I side clocked her and she hit the floor hard and I jumped on top of her and started hitting her.

"Dont*hit*ever*hit*touch*hit*me*hit*ever*hit*again*hit*" I was ripped off her by Andy and Ashley and i put my hands up,

"You good??" Andy asked and I nodded and he touched my lip and I quickly jerked away from the sudden stinging sensation,

"Sorry." I looked down and he picked me up and put me in his side like he did the night of our engagement party and I put my head down in the creek of his neck.

He carried me up to our room and sat me down on the bed.

"Lets get your wounds cleaned up."

I went to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit.

He wiped my busted lip and grabbed my bloodied knuckles.

He grabbed a alchohol pad and looked me in the eyes and spoke real soft,

"Babygirl this is gonna hurt." I nodded my head and he started dabbing the alcohol pad on my knuckles and I hissed in pain,"I know babygirl but I need to clean he wound,you want to have juliet jerms??"

I shook my head and he smirked,

"Use your words babygirl."

"No daddy."

"Good girl." He wrapped my hand with some gauze and kissed both my hands.

He shut off the light and wrapped me in his arms and I kissed his cheak and me and him both fell fast asleep together.

Ronnie Radke's lil sister(Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now