Hanging with 5 awsome dudes,1 batman loving ass,and one mody bitch

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I woke up and went down stairs not even caring to get dressed.

Maybe i should of but too late now....oh well.

I walked into the living room and say Ashley.


He looked at me and got real red real quick.

"Why are you dressed like that?" He asked,i looked down and shrugged.

Great now i feal like a hoe....not.

"It's what i slept in."

"Ok,what's up?"

"Do you what to hang out today."

"Sure,you want to invite two people and I'll invite two people?"

"Sure,meet back here in 20."

I walked off and found vic eating an apple in the kitchen....maybe he would want to go?


He looked at me and his eyes widened....maybe i should change.

"What's up?"

"Do you want to hang out with me and Ashley and a couple of other people?"

"Sure,are you going dressed like that?"


"Good because that outfit can be very distracting."

I nodded my head and walked out....mmmmm.....cc's room is eight next to mine....I'll get dressed then go ask cc.

I walked into my room and got dressed.

I walked out of my room and knocked on cc's

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I walked out of my room and knocked on cc's.

He opened the door and looked like he just rolled out of bed literally.

"Phoenix?Are you ok?What's wrong?" He asked frantically.

"Nothing just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me and some of the guys."


He closed the door and got dressed then me and him walked down stairs together.

I guess Ashley invited Jinxx and Andy.

"Where are you guys going?" Jake asked and i replied,

"A club."

"Can i go?"

"Sure." Ashley replied.

We all walked out of the house and either got in my car it Ashley's. I had Vic and Cc,while Ashley had Andy,Jinxx,and jake.

We walked into 'Stitches' and sat down at a round table in the corner.

Then a pretty blond chick came over and sat on Andy's lap and started making out with him.

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