run downs

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After mine and Andy's honeymoon me and him found out that im pregnant and guess what it's a boy..and a damn girl.


I sat down and I was fat.

"Ugh I'm fat." Ibsighed as i put my head on aprons shoulder and he laughed,

"No your not."

I just rolled my eyes and jinx walked in.

Oh so Aaron did propose to jinx and he said yes they get married on the 12 so in 10 days and I'm so happy for them but the problem is I feel really self conscious in anything because of my damn baby bump.

I sat up so Aaron could go hug his future husband.

I got up and ronnie instantly started yelling about it,

"You need to sit." He said and I rolled my eyes,

"Im 4 months not 8 in a half so stop treating me like a damn baby and shut the hell up."

Everyone looked at me like I was insane and I rolled my eyes and walked out side.

"You ok?" Vic asked and I nodded,

"Just tired of everyone treated me like a baby."

"I get that but dint worry andy wont but prepare to get cuddled a lot more." He laughed and I sighed,

"Great,I think I can live with that tho."


i was now six months and ready to murder everyone and everything.

Andy hasnt been around that much but I dont blame him.

I'm a bitch and its 10000000 times worse now that ik pregnant.


I was now 8 in a half months and was afraid to move because everytime I did one of the demons would kick me.


I screamed as I started having contractions and of course andy wasnt ficking here like he promised he would be

I grabbed my phone and quickly called vic,

"Hey what's up girl?" He said as he answered the phone and I took a deep breath,

"The babies are coming and andy isnt here."

"Shit me and Ashley are on our way dont move we will be there soon."


He hung up the phone and I laid my head down.

Depp breaths


They better hurry the fuck up or someone is going to die today and I'm not kidding this is the worst pain I have ever felt and when I was in Japan I did elligal street fighting and was stabbed

This makes that seem like a paper cut oh my God

The door opened and a very worried Ashley and vic came running in.

They helped me to the car and vic drove.

"A-ashley call a-andy p-lease."

Ashley nodded his head and hit the call button on Andy's name after a couple minutes he just sighed and shook his head,

"He didnt puck up."

"C-call my b-brother please."

He nodded and after a couple seconds I heard my brothers  voice and Ashley ramble women things off then hey hung up,

"Your brothers on his way." Ashley said and I nodded my head then hissed in pain


I was exhausted to the point where I could barely keep my eyes open but I wanted to see andy.

But I dint think hes gonna show

"Keep a watch on the kids ya?" I asked and every one that was hear nodded.


I closed my eyes and passed out

Andy should have been there not vic and Ashley but I'm glad they were.

I opened my eyes and everyone I fell asleep with here were still here and ronnie was looking pissed talking to someone over the phone.

Nope to tired to care who

"Hey Phoenix baby I am so sorry I wasnt here." Andy said as he came running in and gave me a hug,

"Where have you been??" Vic aske pissed,

"My mom passed so i was kinda off."

"Giys please stop." I sighed and then patted the bed next to me and andy came and laid down beside me and I curled up to him and fell asleep.


andy hasnt just disappeared again and they kids just turned two about a week ago and Ashley and vic spoil the fuck out of them


The twins just turned 8 and are monthly I hear for alex she acts just like me and alec is evil when it comes to sharing

Last week I told him to share the toy cars so he chucked half of them at alex and bloodied her nose with it

This is why I can't breed anymore

I make satan


Well alex just left for college she is going to be a vet and Alec is going into the army

I gave them both a hug and so did andy well he hugged alex and him and alec shook hands

They have a weird relationship

Andy gave me a kiss and we both waved by to our kids,

"I vote we dont make more." I stated and he nodded,

"I agree."


Alec came home today and I hugged him tight.

"How was the army?" I asked and he nodded,

"It was good mom,how are you?"

"I'm good."

We walked inside and Alex jumped into her brothers arms,

"Omg brother I missed you so much please tell me you arent going to leave again." She begged and alec hugged her,

"I'm not leaving again."

I smiled and andy wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We all sat down and stared watching movies and hanging out as a family again a nod I was so happy.

So this is what a family feels like..

I like it.

Ronnie Radke's lil sister(Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now