so this is it

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It's been 4 months since me and andy got married and we were moving into our own place today.

I put down the last box and andy gave me a kiss.

"I love you so much mrs.biersack."

I smiled,

"How long you been waiting to say that?"

"Long time." He smirked and picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him.

Be threw me on the bed and I'm pretty sure the big ass fuzzy blanket tried to eat me.

"Ugh this blankets gonna eat me." I said and andy laughed at my seriousness

"I love you." He said kissed my forehead then got dressed.

"Where are you going??" I asked and andy sighed,

"Music video for fallen angel."

"Right I should probably get dressed for work."

I got up and threw on some clothes and me and andy headed down to the cars.

I got into my car and took off like a rocket and headed to work.

I walked in and Aaron smiked at me,

"Sup killer??" He asked and I flipped him off and started helping with drinks,


"Its cool how was the honeymoon??" Aaron asked and I glared at him,

"I didnt have one now focus."

He just chuckled at me and I flipped him off.

After about 4 hours me and Aaron headed outside for a smoke,

He showed me a ring and my eyes went wide,

"I'm gonna ask jinx to marry me."

"That's amazing Aaron I'm so happy for you."

"I'm scared to ask him,how did andy ask you??"

"Well he didnt get down on one knee if that's what you mean,he just kinda asked."

"So you think I should just casually ask??"

"You do you but I'm just saying dont do anything crazy to ask him."

"Thanks flame."

"What's up with all these diffrent nicknames??"

"I'm trying to find you a new one but it isnt working."

I just rolled my eyes and put out my cigarette and me and Aaron headed back inside.


me and Aaron headed outside and jinx was outside waiting for him,

"Hey babe." Aaron said and gave jinx a kiss,

"Hey." Jinx said then turned to me and jinx waved,

"Hey jinx,I have to go back to andy but how was the shooting for the music video??"

"What music video??" Jinx asked and I looked at him confused,

"Andy said that you guys were shooting the fallen angel music video today.."

"We dont do that till Monday."

"I have to go." I said and walked off.

Where the hell did he go then?!

I started my car and drove like a maniac all the way home and slammed open the door and started daggers into andy and he put his hands up,

"You ok??" He asked and I glared at him  even harder,

"Where did you go?" I asked and andy looked at me confused,

"Baby I already told you we were sho-" I cut him off and sighed,

"I ran into jinx after mine and Aaron's shift he told me you guys dint dtar shooting till Monday so,where did you go andy??"

He just looked down guilty and my stomach clinched and he looked at me and nodded,

"Ok,it was meant to be a surprise but I can see it in your eyes that your scared wha my answer will be and before you even think it,no I'm not cheating nor would I ever do that especially to you,but here." He grabbed something out of his back packet and handed it to me.

I looked at it for a second before I finally opened it,

Two first class tickets to Brazil...

"I'm confused." I finally breath out and he sighed,

"Its for our very late honeymoon that I would like to do."

"I'm a bitch." I said and a tear fell down my cheak and he quickly wiped it away and wrapped me into a hug and made silent shushing sounds and spoke real soft,

"No baby your not a bitch you were just worried."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried silently.

Andy really is amazing..

We stayed like that for awhile and then he kicked my up and I wrapped my mega around his waist and he carried me into our bedroom and put me down on our bed and stopped me so all I was wearing was my black Lacey underwear.

He stripped down so he was just in his boxers and I ckukdnt help but stair.

I bit my bottom lip and he smirked at me and leaned down to whisper in my ear,

"Keep biting that lip and I'll bite it for you."

I instantly stopped biting my bottom lip and his smirk grew bigger,

"Good girl."

He laid down beside me and pulled me down down onto his chest so I was using him as a pillow.

"Good night love." He whispered and I smiled and whispered back,

"Good night daddy."

I soon fell asleep and I couldn't help but smile the I entire time but I still felt bad for I guess accusing him of cheating but he doesn't seem to be mad at all...

How did u get so lucky to have a man like andy in my life??

Whatever I did I'm glad...

Ronnie Radke's lil sister(Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now