Moving out

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I packed my bag and walked down stairs and my brother looked and me then the floor

I just walked right passed him and out to my car

Dont get me wrong I love my brother and I would do anything for him but I need him to lay off he doesn't own me

I started my car and drove off.

I drove to the bar and walked up to aaron

"Hey crazy." He smiled and I laughed,

"I guess but I need a place to stay and you love me."

"My spare room is always yours here the key you in know where it is and what room." He said and I hugged him and left.

I walked into Aaron's house and smiled

It smells the same as it did all those years ago I love this house

I walked into my new room and laid down.


I haven't spoken to any of the guys they text me but I never answer

Dont get me wrong I miss them but I just need some place from them I cant handle the fact that he did that to me he betrayed me

I work at stitches now

Its pretty cool Aaron thanks it's the greatest thing ever because he gets to wor with me or well I get to work with him but either way he loves it hard core

I think it's funny how much he enjoys it I work the same squedual as him 5 p.m. to midnight

It's pretty fun you meet a lot of weird but cool people here

Sometimes if I'm in a good mood and everyone is having a blast I will dance on the bar table and my boss thinks it's good for business

Me and Aaron car pool every day because there isn't really a point in driving two different cars

Ashley walked into the bar one day and sat down in front of me and said very calmly,

"We miss you,you should come visit us before you head to work tomrrow."

"I dont know." I replied and he nodded,

"I understand,please think about it."

Then he left.

I guess I could go visit


I woke up and got dressed

I walked out of the house and headed to my brothers.

I didnt but her to knock and just walked in.

I walked around the corner and the guys looked like shit.

"What the  fuck happened to you guys,when was the last time you guys showered."

"Phoenix?!?"  Vic yelled and I nodded,

"Last time I checked that was my name but let me cheack real quick." I pulled out my wallet and looked at my I.d. "yep says right here that my name is phoenix."

"Stop being a smart ass and give me a fucking hug." Jinxx said and hugged me so tight I felt like my ribs were going to shadder.

"Stop hogging her I want a hug too." Cc whined and jinx let go and cc hugged me


we were all sitting there talking when Andy walked in looking pissed

Me and him made eye contact and he adked,

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