shit what have i done

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I woke up from my nap and had 4 missed calls from andy.


I called him back and he sighed in relief,

"What the hell took you so long??"

"I took a nap."

"Well I want to tell the others about us so,can you come over??"



"Be there soon." I hung up the phone and got dressed,

I walked into my brothers house and cc gave me a big hug,

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I walked into my brothers house and cc gave me a big hug,

"Hey Phoenix." Vic said and gave me a hug aswell,

"Is my brother here??"

"Hes in his room." Ashley answered and I nodded.

I walked upstairs and knocked on his door,

"Who the fuck is it???" He said and I just knocked again,"what??"


He sung open the door and looked down at me in shock,

"Bro you look shook." Ashley laughed and I nodded,

"Sup bro." He gave me a big hug and I sighed,

"Ok enough of this mushy gushy shit." I pushed him back and he nodded,


We all three headed down  stairs and andy wrapped his arm around me and I spoke fast,

"Me and Andy are daiting."

"Excuse me,since when??" Ronnie said and Ashley started laughing,

"I'm guessing when she came sneeking out of his room at 7 in the morning."

"Ashely I hate you so much right now." I said and threw a pillow at him.

That didn't affect him it just made us all have a bigass pillow fight

Who the fuck needs this many pillows there are over 20 people in this damn house and everybody has a damn pillow what the actual fuck people

Ronnie pulled me over to the side and looked at me,

"Are you happy??" He asked and I looked at him confused,


"With andy with your life now are you happy?"

Ronnie Radke's lil sister(Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now