do not lie

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I woke up and brawled out of bed careful not to wake andy and walked doen stairs

I looked at Ashley and sighed,

"Can I talk to you??" I asked and he nodded me and him walked outside.

"Whata going on??" Ashley asked and I sighed,

"Is andy a daddy dom??" I asked and ashelys eyes got wide,

"He told me he wouldn't get you involved in that."

"So true??" I asked and Ashley gave a small nod.

"He promised he me he wouldn't get you into that what the fuck?"

"He didn't it's just something one of his friends said yesterday."

"So andy has no idea you know??" Ashley said and i shrugged,

"I mean I think he has a idea I know it would be hard not to know that I know,ya know?"

He just nodded and I headed inside to confront andy but when I got in there he just smirked at me and asked,

"You good??"

All i could do is nod....fuck that morning voice tho.

"Are you sure babygirl." He said every syllable of babygirl and I got weak at the knees...fuuuck answ he knows exactly what he is doing to me and I want to hate him for it but all I can do is stare and nod and try my hardest not to fall to my knees but something tells me if I was ok my knees he wouodnt complain.

"Ddlg are you a daddy dom or sum??" I finally got enough courage to ask and andy sighed but gave a small nod,

"Yes,but I told Ashley ok more like promised I wouodnt get you into it but it's so hard."

"I know and if you want I'm willing to give it a try for you."

"Really?!?!?" He asked with wide eyes that I swear to God are bigger than baby dorys.

"Yes,I love you andy and if that kind of relationship makes you happy then I'm in."

He junked doff the bed and gave me a kiss and then threw me onto the bed.

He ripped off my shorts and smirked at me,

"W-what are you doing?"  I asked and he just smirked st me then shoved his face into my opening.


I grabbed onto the sheet of his bed and I buckled my hips.

"O-oh my God a-andy."

He stopped and smacked my ass,

"Its daddy." He smirked then shoved his head back down.

O-oh shit omg

"F-fuck d-daddy!"

I could feel him smirk against my opening and I couldnt hold it anymore.

After he was done I sat up and spoke really slow,

"I-im gonna go take a shower."

"Can you walk?" He asked and I shrugged,

"Looks like I will find out." I stood up and wobbled a bit but non thresh went and took my shower.

After I was done I just put on some pjs and cuddled up to andy in his bed and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead.

"Whatcha watchen??" I asked and he chuckled at me,


"Can I watch??" I asked and he seemed to like the fact I asked instead of just did.

"Of course." He kissed me forehead again and me and him started watching split.


I sat up and yawned,

"I'm gonna go get something to drink,want anything from the kitchen??" I asked and he shrugged,

"Some popcorn and a dr.pepper??" He asked and I nodded.

I climbed out of bed and headed down stairs.

Nit the type of drink I was thinking about but ok.

I walked down stairs and made me a rum and dr.pepper more rum then dr.pepper since we were apparently out of coke,what type of people run out of fucking coke??

Oh right I got babe two cans of dr.pepper and made some extra buttery popcorn.

I grabbed my drink and a can of dr.pepper for myself and headed upstairs

I handed andy his sodas and popcorn then put my two drinks down.

"What do you got there??" He asked and I shrugged,

"My drink."

"Which is?"

"Dr.pepper and..." I trailed off,



He growled and I took a step back,

"Excuse me??" He asked and I grabbed my drink and downed it.

What,I'm gonna fuckn need it to deal with him at the moment

"Its a run and dr.pepper because we are out of damn coke for some reason."

"Bend over." He growled and I shook my head,

"Hell no."

He got off the bed and walked over to me I took a step backward and he kept walking forward until my back hit the wall and he grabbed me by the waist so tight I knew it would bruise

He picked my up and threw me over his shoulder then dropped me on the bed and tied up my hands so I couldnt fight him he flipped me over so my ass was in the hair and i felt my pants go down then my ass started stinging


he did that about 12 more time then pulled up my pants and untied me

I quickly flipped over so I was on my back and his eyes were dark and he spoke rough and dominant so I knew he wasnt fucking around and I needed to be careful,

"Next time I tell you to do something you better do it or it will be a lot worse little girl."

For some reason all i could do was nidd and by the smirk that fell apoun his lips he knew he had won and that I submitted to him

He climbed off me and I just stayed there I dont want to anger him again.

"Love I didnt scare you did i??" He asked clearly worried about it and i sat up a bit and shook my head,

"N-no you didnt scare me just shocked me."

He nodded and sat down beside me so his back was up against the headboard and I took this as a opportunity to apologize,

I climbed ontop of him so I was straddling his waist and tucked my head into the crook of his neck and whispered,

"I'm sorry I should have asked to drink,please forgive me daddy."

I could tell he was smiling from ear to ear when I called him daddy and he started rubbing my back and jumped my head,

"Of course I forgive you."

I smiled and I mist have fallen asleep like that because the next thing I knew he was rolling over and wrapping his arms around me and gave me yet another kiss on my head and we both fell asleep like that.

Ronnie Radke's lil sister(Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now