After school

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Dear diary, Sep 3, 18(part two)

After being mentally abused by Lotor in almost every class and lunch. School was finally over and we all headed over to Jimmy's diner for milkshakes and to hear Pidge and Hunk's idea for the science fair. Life may suck but I'm look forward to the future. I'll be 18 is next month, and in six months, I'll have my first surgery. One step closer to being free.

Keith Kogane

We all packed in my tiny car, Hunk barely fitting in the back. Pidge always got shotgun, she's my best friend after all. That's best friend code, best friend always gets shotgun and control of the music. We pulled up to the diner and helped Hunk to get out of the car.

"So What's this big idea of yours?" I asked as we sat in a booth after we ordered food and milkshakes.

"So, we're going to make five robotic cats and see if we can program them well enough to actually match the personality to the one who owns the cat" Hunk explains.

"And each of us is getting to look after one, so we'll each get credit for participating. Also we'll need a fifth test subject, I was wondering if Shiro could help out. What do you guys think?" Pidge explains more.

"It sounds like a great idea" Lance says.

"Yeah, and I'm sure Shiro would love helping out" I add on as our food arrived. We thanked the waitress, before she left Lance stopped her. The waitress hand skin a similar shade to Lances with blue eyes and white dyed hair.

"Hey Allura, mamá and papá want to know how college is doing" Lance said.

"Oh Dios, It's fine, but becoming a lawyer is hard work you know, I'm barley living with this job and all my studies. Tell mamá and papá I'm sorry I don't visit as much as I should, I'm just really busy" Allura said.

"Oh guys, these are my friends, Katie, and Keith they're on the football team too, well Katie is the water girl anyway, you already know Hunk. Guys this is my oldest sister Allura" Lance introduced.

"Hello Allura" Hunk said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all but I must get to the other customers. Send mamá and papá mi amor, bye" she said as she walked away, "by the way Lance, ese chico es lindo, solo tu tipo"

"Allura!" Lance said as his face turned red. I, being one of the rare kids to pick Japanese instead of Spanish, I had no idea what she said. Hunk and Pidge seemed to understand and started cracking up laughing.

"Shut up you too" Lance said as the two laughed.

"She's not wrong though" Hunk mumbled before Lance threw a fry at him. Stuff like this always made me forget about everything, even the pain in my chest whenever I laugh at these three dorks. We're all four different people, Pidge and I being total introverts but still being pared with our going extroverts like them. It was shocking how well we got a long, but I wouldn't want it any other way. As we were laughing and telling stories of our summer, Shiro and Matt walked in. Matt being Pidge's older brother instantly became attached to my brother, becoming best friends. They walked up to Allura, and talked a bit, they must know each other. Then They did something everyone thought was shocking. My brother is dating Lance's sister, he just kissed her. He's dating the boy, whom I have a crush on, sister. He didn't even bother to tell me!

"Shiro what the hell?" I say as I get up. He turned in shock, probably from not noticing me or my friends here.

"Keith, watch your mouth," Shiro replies, god damn Dad friend tendencies.

"So this is your little brother who your also raising? He so cute, Wait. Shiro did you not tell him like you said you would?" Allura stepped in.

"No he did not" I say.

"Keith will talk about this at home, for now eat the rest of your food and have fun with your friends. I'm going to take Allura home and get back to work" Shiro said in a calm by strict voice. He acts like he's my father, I hate it sometimes, only makes me hate myself more.

"Okay, but you're not getting out of talking about this" I say, "also, my perception is supposed to be in today, could you by any chance~"

"I already got it Keith, it's at hope waiting for you" Shiro replies as she opened the door for Allura.

"See you later Pidge" Matt said before following my brother out the door. After they left I sat back down and began eating again.

"Prescription, that's your thing of T right?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah, I do self injections at 100 mg every month" I say. Starting testosterone was the happiest day of my life and I'm so happy Shiro let me start it.

"How long have you been on it for mullet?" Lance questioned.

"Almost four months now" I add.

"We're really proud of the man you've become, even with the voice cracks and the acne" Pidge added. She was the first person I've ever told about being trans. She has be supportive though everything, even helped me pick out my name. All three of them have been supportive and helpful.

"Did you ever get a chest binder? You can't bind with ace bandages anymore, you already have a bruise" Pidge asked. Lance and Hunk let out a small gasp.

"You're using ase bandages? That could break a rib!" Hunk said in shock.

"Guys I'll be fine, it's only till March" I reply not really wanting to talk about my binding technique.

"No it's not fine, I'll buy you a binder because you're not breaking a rib and have to miss football season" Lance said kinda annoyed but he sounded incredibly sweet when he said it.

"You don't have to do that" I reply.

"But I want to.......... for the teams well being" Lance replied. He's so nice to me now, what happened over the summer? Why is this so sudden?

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