the champion is off the mountain

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I finished packing and was now walking out of the cave. I looked back at the cave. I will have no regrets rights. No the only regret is coming up here in the first place. I love Green and I'm going to find him. He's somewhere. I'm not sure where though. Now I will pay the sacrifice of hiding on a mountain for the last three years and falling in love with my rival. 

I took on step and another feeling even more nervous with each passing second.  By the time I took the seventeen step I felt as if I could die. All the possible outcomes. What if Green doesn't feel the same way. What if I never found him. All thesse what ifs where driving me insain. What the hell was wrong with me. Why did I have to make this complicated. I hate myself some times.

It used to be so simple now it's complicated.  Damn. I stood still on the top of mountain with no movement.  My breathe had slown down and I showed no signs of moving. My breathe was slow and shaky. I collected my self. What was I doing. I was being and idoit that's what. Thats it no matter the outcome I'm going to tell him. Right after I find him I mean.

I set off. I was going to find my love. One day I would. And that day would be soon. I walked down the mountain at a steady pase. I lost my footing. I slipped. I was now hanging onto the mountain by a thread. This was it. There was nothing but hard ground down there. I would fall and die. My life is hell.

I let go but I didn't fall. Instead I felt my self being hoisted up. I looked my savior in the eyes. It was Green.

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