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I was flying on Charzaird and was on my way to New Bark Town. Maybe Gold could help me. If he could manage to melt Silver's icey heart and much more then maybe he could help he with Green. I mean if I didn't screw up our relasonship too much. Maybe it was broken beyond repair.

I tried to think positively but when you screw up so badly it's pretty hard to fix things and I really couldn't help but think negatively. Man why couldn't I be satisfied with being friends? I just ruined it. We grew up together I just ruined our friendship with my stupid crush.

I looked down at the town of New Bark. It was early in the morning. The trip took all night but I wasn't really tired. Why I have no idea. Maybe it was because of that nap I took earlier. The nap I took with Green. I was back to where I started.

I loved him and there was no getting around it. I looked down at Gold's house. He lived across the street from his mother and Silver lived with him. Thosse two were so happy together. They kind of gave me hope. Maybe, just maybe me and Green will be just as happy one day. We could live together in our home town, Pallet. We could work in professor Oak's lab. We would be lovers.

Fat chance. Even if it did happen it would be a long time from now. A very long time. I hate to admit it but this was my time of need. I needed Gold's advice. And I needed it right now.

I landed my pokemon and returned it to it's pokeball. It smiled at me before returning it. It knew he had done me a huge favor. But now he needed to rest. Besides I would need him for the flight to where ever I would go after this. Now that I think about it where would I go after Gold's house? I couldn't hide here forever.

I couldn't go to mom, she go crazy. Maybe Professor Oak? No he tell mom. I nocked on the door of the house with white knuckles from clutching charzaird so tight. I waited for a while until an obviously just woken up Gold answered the door.

His hair was a mess. His raven locks all over the place and his golden gaze not directed any where particularly.  He had blue boxers and a white tee shirt. He was tried and had bags under his eyes. "Oh, hi Red" he said with a yawn.

"I was just doing some paper work to help out lance what can I do for you?" he asked now a bit more awake. I glanced over into the house and saw Silver passed out on the couch. Gold noticed what I was looking at and spoke up. "Yah he was helping but passed out on the couch a few hours ago"

I noded for a response. "So back to the original question, why are you here Red we both know you havn't been off that mountain in three years" he said as if it was no big thing. This was one of thosse momments where I couldn't avoid talking. Damn.

I started to speak in a low very quiet voice. "I kissed him" Gold looked at me in shock. "Then why are you here, I would think you be at A. his house B. that mountain swaping I love you's and kisses, what happened"

"I ... ran away" it sounded stupid saying it out loud. Gold looked up at me. "well your welcome to stay here for a while, just next time I suggest saying for the I love you's" he said with a snicker. I walked into the house and he showed me to the guest room.

Gold left me to unpack my stuff. The room was quite big for a guest room. For any room for the matter. I sat my backpack down on the bed. There wasn't much to unpack. I pulled out my stuff one by one. That was until I stumbled apon a picture I kept of me and Green.

We were kids in the picture. Couldn't be more then twelve.  We were both playing smash bro on the Nintendo 64 and our pokemon wandered of to who knows where. We were laughing at the videogame while we clutched the controllers.

What the hell happened to us. I know what happened to us. My stupid crush got in the way. I hate love.

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