can you return that kiss

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I sat clasped on the right side if the room in a corner. I was corrupt and destroyed he didn't have to do so much as show up and I broke down. I tucked my face behind my knees and cried until I couldn't cry any more. The tears that I had cried previously had stained my face and I had puffy red eyes from crying.

Green walked over and smirked.  "You done crying cause I never got to return that kiss from earlier" he said with a slight laugh. I looked up with shock in my eyes. Did I hear correctly.  Maybe he was just playing with me. "Hello earrh to Red" he called out. "I said I would like to return that kiss" I still was to shocked to move.

I was torn in two. One side saying to love him and the other saying hate him. What if he breaks my heart? What is this is a phase? Forget everything I love him and that's all that matters.

I stood up and practically tackled him. I jumped hugged him and he flinched.  He wrapped his arms around me and once again I was crying but this time it was tears of joy. I was in love at this point how can you hate love.

That other side of me was gone and the side that loved Green toke over. Green hugged me for a while until he spoke up. "So is there any time in particular I get this kiss" he said once again tossing me a smirk.

I looked him in the face and wait made my move. I crashed our lips together. It was different from last time cause this time he was kissing back. We broke the kiss for air. Damn it. If had my way we might have been there forever. I wanted to toss myself at Green. I wanted him to love me hold me and touch me.

I wanted it and I had it. I moved my mouth close to his ear. I had to stand on my tip toes to do so. "Touch me" I whispered to Green who looked shocked had me pinned down to the bed is secconds. I had what I wanted.

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